15:53:38 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: I can hear you! 15:53:39 From Guðrun Poulsen to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Hi Joke :) 15:53:47 From Guðrun Poulsen to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I cannot hear you 15:54:08 From Guðrun Poulsen to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I can just see that you were speaking 15:54:14 From Joke Braeken to Guðrun Poulsen(Direct Message): Hello : ) Seems like an issue from your end! 15:54:33 From Guðrun Poulsen to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Okay I’ll reconnect 16:00:32 From Nigeria Internet Registration Association to Everyone: Hello everyone 16:01:34 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Hi All! Could you please make sure that we can see your names in the zoom room? 16:03:32 From KeNIC Admin to Everyone: Kindly post the link on the chat 16:03:54 From Adenike Ore to Everyone: Kindly post link again. Thank you 16:04:24 From Everton T Rodrigues to Everyone: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLHcZQ0EU1z0W-PA78dGVXgwz8W3q_2gUNUm45cD3whlp6ow/viewform 16:04:31 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Links are indeed on the mailing list, in the notes and on the workspace. https://forms.gle/3sZG2F4W76aYKv5t7 16:09:11 From Everton T Rodrigues to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): From Gudrun: Hi Everton :) I believe I already did fill out - can you please check? 16:10:11 From Joke Braeken to Everton T Rodrigues(Direct Message): She did! 16:10:18 From Everton T Rodrigues to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): tks 16:17:08 From Eberhard Lisse to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Joke, I will probably a little bit late for OISC but will try an d make it 16:19:28 From Guðrun Poulsen to Everyone: I totally agree with Leonid :) 16:19:39 From Joke Braeken to Eberhard Lisse(Direct Message): Eberhard, the OISC was cancelled. A message was sent last week on the mailing list. The next meeting takes place next week Thursday 16:23:00 From Eberhard Lisse to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): Thank you, I am so used to the calendars :-)-O 16:25:38 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: I do not discard slides - they should help corroborate twhatever deliberations 16:26:06 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: Let's not forget that what is good for us does not necessarily fit many …. 16:26:44 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: we need to define what's the purpose of ccTLD news session. if it focus on information sharing maybe more presentations are welcome. 16:31:25 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: we should test it (60+60) 16:31:44 From Nick Wenban-Smith, ccNSO Council to Everyone: or test 60 + 30 for discussion? 16:31:48 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: I have reservations... 16:32:20 From Katrina Sataki to Everyone: Excellent point @ai-chin! At the same time, not every ccTLD News session has to have the same purpose. It is possible to try different approaches 16:33:44 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: yes, we can try it. 16:33:53 From Joel Karubiu to Everyone: Choose a topic , have 3 presenters to discuss the topic from their point of view for 10 mins each = 30mins , then have panel discussion on the presentations where the moderator has some questions and take the rest from the audience 16:34:23 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: good approach Joel 16:35:30 From Guðrun Poulsen to Everyone: Yes good approach Joel. As the chair of the previous session, I prepared questions for the presenters, but decided not to ask anyone because of time limit. 16:36:12 From Alejandra Reynoso to Everyone: @Joel: The thing is that we try to have at least one presenter per region (where possible) 16:36:43 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: @Alejandra we can work on that with enough time 16:36:53 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: and in parallel with all that we need to continue to educate presenters and moderators on the art of giving presentations and session moderation... 16:36:54 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone: I think whether the session is successful or not , the moderator is a key point. 16:37:13 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: +1 to Ai-chin 16:37:21 From Joel Karubiu to Everyone: Agreed Alejandra , we can look at the logistics of inclusivity 16:39:04 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Survey is also on the workspace: https://community.icann.org/x/iIbzC 16:39:13 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: Hello! sorry, i managed to come late 16:40:17 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: We at APrIGF have ben working on the format and I can share some deliberations 16:44:55 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: Always a pleasure 16:45:26 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: CANN71 ccNSO links to bookmark now: >> ccNSO Schedule and Remote Participation Hub https://community.icann.org/x/WIG1CQ >> ccNSO Members Meeting, including sessions held prior to ICANN71 https://community.icann.org/x/UYG1CQ >> Tech Day https://community.icann.org/x/a4G1CQ 16:50:04 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: Next meetings: 16:50:06 From Joke Braeken to Everyone: 18 June 2021 | Friday! 14 UTC, wrap-up ICANN71 15 July | 14 UTC: discussion hybrid meeting 29 July | 14 UTC 12 Aug | 14 UTC 26 Aug | 14 UTC 9 Sept | 14 UTC 23 Sept | 14 UTC 7 Oct | 14 UTC 16:50:29 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: skills 16:50:50 From Guðrun Poulsen to Joke Braeken(Direct Message): I have to leave. Thanks for today :) 16:51:28 From Alejandra Reynoso to Everyone: Please note that there is a session on the ICANN71 Public meeting agenda, entitled “The Post-Pandemic Future of ICANN Public Meetings”. This session is scheduled to be held on Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 14:30 UTC 16:52:58 From Sean Copeland to Everyone: Enjoy Barbara!!! 16:53:11 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: Happy holiday, Barbara 16:53:12 From Svitlana Tkachenko to Everyone: enjoy your holiday! 16:53:24 From Barbara Povse to Everyone: Thanks, Sean :-) 16:53:27 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Holidays? dont remember that word :) :) 16:53:31 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Enjoy!! 16:53:53 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: +1 to LAURA. Every day is a holiday:))) 16:54:07 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: :) ;) 16:54:13 From Katrina Sataki to Everyone: :) 16:54:29 From Leonid Todorov to Everyone: Cheers!!! 16:54:30 From Laura Margolis to Everyone: Byeee! 16:54:31 From Nick Wenban-Smith, ccNSO Council to Everyone: bye 16:54:38 From Joel Karubiu to Everyone: bye