00:18:36 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s Guidelines Committee and Subgroup Teleconference on 24 May at 14:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call and attendance will be taken based on those who joined Zoom. Apologies received from Chris Disspain. As a reminder, all calls are recorded and the recording will be posted on the public wiki. https://community.icann.org/x/rADECQ Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. With that, thanks for joining today and I’ll turn the call over to David. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:24:21 Joke Braeken: Ann-Kathrin just wrote that her train is delayed, and she will join today’s meeting asap. 00:34:24 Stephen Deerhake: Kim, is it possible to make the font one size bigger? 00:35:06 Kimberly Carlson: Better? 00:35:11 Stephen Deerhake: Thank you! 00:35:20 David McAuley (Verisign): better, thanks 00:35:45 Kimberly Carlson: 👍🏼 00:50:46 Katrina Sataki: @Alejandra, spoken like a true software developer :) 00:50:51 Stephen Deerhake: No I do not personally. Great question however... 00:51:03 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Katrina! 00:51:11 Alejandra Reynoso .gt: ;) 00:51:12 Irina Danelia: Could you show heading again? 00:56:55 David McAuley (Verisign): fair point, Irina 01:04:19 Irina Danelia: Thanks Davis, Bart and all. I'll have to leave shortly 01:04:40 Atsushi ENDO: Thank you David, Bart and All. 01:05:33 David McAuley (Verisign): We will miss you, Katrina, and welcome Sean 01:05:49 David McAuley (Verisign): Vice chair makes sense to me 01:05:56 Segun Akano: Agreed 01:06:09 Stephen Deerhake: +1 01:09:30 David McAuley (Verisign): Thank you, Sean 01:11:03 Sean Copeland: Thanks everyone, and again thanks for your kind words Katrina 01:16:39 Bart Boswinkel: COIC 01:16:54 Bart Boswinkel: I like COIC 01:17:28 Alejandra Reynoso .gt: It has a bit of confusion similarity with OISC ;) 01:17:52 David McAuley (Verisign): Governance reality Committee 01:18:07 Alejandra Reynoso .gt: Maybe Governance Review Committee is better :) 01:18:15 David McAuley (Verisign): Indeed 01:18:27 Segun Akano: Governance Review Committee 01:19:14 David McAuley (Verisign): That makes us bakers - always wanted to do that 01:23:31 David McAuley (Verisign): makes sense to me 01:23:57 David McAuley (Verisign): a review of charter should be a good thing also 01:24:10 Kimberly Carlson: https://community.icann.org/x/5hgFBQ (glossary) 01:24:34 Stephen Deerhake: +1 David on the charter review. 01:24:41 David McAuley (Verisign): Maybe increase font a bit on glossary 01:26:10 Kimberly Carlson: GRC glossary: https://community.icann.org/x/6BwFBQ 01:27:45 Stephen Deerhake: Already toiling away on the Tech-WG Charter... 01:29:00 Sean Copeland: I will take what is left, if people want to make choices 01:29:05 Svitlana Tkachenko: cc Working groups - for mr 01:29:07 Svitlana Tkachenko: me 01:29:30 Segun Akano: election procedure 01:29:30 Stephen Deerhake: I'll take Financial Contribution to ICANN... 01:29:45 David McAuley (Verisign): Kim - can you put link to this doc 01:29:58 Segun Akano: okay 01:30:20 Alejandra Reynoso .gt: I need to go to another meeting. 01:30:30 Alejandra Reynoso .gt: Nice to see you ;) 01:30:31 Sean Copeland: Please send that back out later, I will be heading back to bed after this, so will forget! 01:32:45 David McAuley (Verisign): Thank you Katrina, and Sean, and all 01:32:58 Segun Akano: Good job 01:33:00 Sean Copeland: Thanks everyone, Bart, Kimberly and Joke as always