00:13:48 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Hello Everyone 00:14:01 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s ccPDP4 IDN Working Group teleconference #17 on 1 June at 13:00 UTC. As a reminder, calls are recorded. Attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom 00:29:24 Jeff Bedser: apologies for the late arrival 00:35:10 Svitlana Tkachenko: Hello all! Sorry, I’m late 00:37:06 hadia Elminiawi: yes 00:41:51 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: I agree with Sarmad 00:44:10 Dennis Tan: I think we may overcomplicate things here… this section pertains to ccTLD string selection…. we can discuss second level registration policy in another section 00:47:58 hadia Elminiawi: ok thanks 00:51:48 Jiankang Yao: Second level registration policy is out of scope.. Here is about ccTLD string 00:53:21 ai-chin Lu: @Jiankang yes 00:55:41 Dennis Tan: Yes, this area re: IDN table for ccTLD string selection is an overlap item to be reconcile between sub-group and full group 00:57:29 ai-chin Lu: RZ-LGR , Han characters include C..J.K then just for TLD. 00:57:41 Kenny Huang: @Dennis, yes 00:58:14 ai-chin Lu: CDNC chinese variant table 00:59:03 Sarmad Hussain: @Ai-Chin Lu, yes RZ-LGR for TLDs only. 01:01:08 Yuri Takamatsu: https://www.iana.org/domains/idn-tables 01:12:56 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - I shall have to drop now to attend another call (EPDP 2A) 01:13:18 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Thanks Hadia 01:13:26 hadia Elminiawi: Bye - thanks 01:13:37 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Bye hadia 01:13:40 Kenny Huang: Bye 01:14:56 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Well prepared PPT Bart/Kim 01:15:03 Javier Rúa-Jovet: No concerns- slides look great 01:16:49 Irina Danelia: principle # 3 starts with the verb, subject seems to be missing 01:17:02 Irina Danelia: sorry for the late comment 01:18:54 Michael Bauland: Holiday? What was that again? 01:19:30 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Thx 2 all - great, efficient meeting. 01:19:30 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes, thank you! 01:19:36 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, bye 01:19:41 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana - ICANN org: Thanks all 01:19:41 Yudho Giri Sucahyo: thx 01:19:42 Dennis Tan: thank you