00:27:41 Javier Rúa-Jovet: hi 2 all 00:29:20 Kimberly Carlson: Hello everyone, welcome 00:29:37 Jiankang Yao: Hello all 00:37:45 Jiankang Yao: ok for Bart’s argument 00:52:08 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Yes I agree Bart 01:03:28 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: I think we should not make policy more stringent and leave some flexibility for implementation process 01:03:55 Jeff Bedser: agree Anil 01:10:36 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: We may use the word “Proposed String” 01:11:04 Pitinan Kooarmornpatana - ICANN org: Current FT implementation plan uses “requested IDN ccTLD string” , FYI 01:13:52 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: I agree with Bart’s proposal 01:20:18 Mirjana Tasic: Bye all