00:08:29 Svitlana Tkachenko: Hello! 00:08:54 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s Guideline Review Committee Teleconference on 8 February at 14:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. Apologies: Stephen Deerhake. As a reminder, all calls are recorded; recording will be posted on the public wiki (https://community.icann.org/x/FgxACQ). Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:08:58 David McAuley (Verisign): wow, I thought it was cold here in Chicago, about 2C 00:09:11 Bart Boswinkel: @Alyssa 00:09:41 Bart Boswinkel: Yes I understand , I for the first have use for a coat I bought in Montreal 00:09:53 Bart Boswinkel: Whilst others are freezing 00:10:02 Bart Boswinkel: :-) 00:10:52 David McAuley (Verisign): OK here Bart - I have also been very busy 00:18:40 David McAuley (Verisign): ok, thanks Bart 00:21:05 David McAuley (Verisign): agree with Katrina about admin decisions 00:22:04 David McAuley (Verisign): maybe rather than listing these two classes of Council action (one substantive and one admin) maybe we should describe them - we will not be able to come up with complete list IMO 00:23:31 David McAuley (Verisign): good point Bart about changing the mechanism to change rule 00:27:04 David McAuley (Verisign): I thought list was fair 00:27:15 Alyssa Moore: looks good 00:27:27 Mirjana Tasic: Looks good 00:27:39 Segun Akano: it looks quite good 00:29:00 David McAuley (Verisign): its ok subject to further discussion 00:31:24 David McAuley (Verisign): ok, sorry for confusion 00:37:40 David McAuley (Verisign): I live in a country where I used to think ‘members’ of certain institutions might always meet basic principles of responsibility. I no longer think that and think rather anything is possible. I think misbehavior of even 'members' can happen even if we cannot imagine it now. 00:40:27 Sean Copeland: I agree with David’s comments 00:40:37 David McAuley (Verisign): Good discussion points but I remain in agreement with Alyssa 00:45:57 David McAuley (Verisign): Thank you, Mirjana 00:48:43 David McAuley (Verisign): I think a rule could state what we think constitutes 'grossly inappropriate behavior' as bylaws state the basis for removal 00:49:42 Sean Copeland: I tend to feel a guidelines is malleable 00:57:03 David McAuley (Verisign): Our marks disappear automatically 00:57:31 Sean Copeland: The newest update David seems to have brought back stickiness 00:57:45 David McAuley (Verisign): thanks Sean 01:02:34 David McAuley (Verisign): I hope introduction is strong and clear 01:03:10 David McAuley (Verisign): Thank you, Bart. Nice exercise 01:09:55 Alyssa Moore: Aww Stephen's not here and Annex D is still getting air time :) 01:10:39 Sean Copeland: It gives a means to understand how this gargantuan thing is to wok 01:10:41 Sean Copeland: work 01:11:00 Katrina Sataki: You must be hungry Sean :) 01:11:17 Sean Copeland: A little :) 01:13:50 David McAuley (Verisign): On request - please not put sticky notes over subject line 01:14:19 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks 01:15:13 Sean Copeland: Too many rules/guidelines makes things cumbersome and slow it down 01:15:51 Sean Copeland: David words is way better 01:16:27 Sean Copeland: Yup 01:18:40 David McAuley (Verisign): good point Mirjana 01:21:20 David McAuley (Verisign): I personally think ccNSO is well managed/governed 01:22:07 David McAuley (Verisign): I miss our real-time cocktail hours 01:25:20 Svitlana Tkachenko: yes, 01:25:56 Sean Copeland: Better website 01:26:20 David McAuley (Verisign): More polling? 01:27:13 David McAuley (Verisign): excellent idea Svitlana 01:27:20 Segun Akano: Members interactions to exhange ideas 01:27:22 Sean Copeland: This interactive process we’re playing with would be interesting to see in our meetings both virtual and face to face to get more remote participation 01:27:43 Mirjana Tasic: Support for Svitlana proposal 01:28:02 Svitlana Tkachenko: Super! 01:28:18 Svitlana Tkachenko: to feet close to people 01:28:31 Svitlana Tkachenko: “feel" 01:29:07 David McAuley (Verisign): Annex D helps fuel the complications 01:29:28 Bart Boswinkel: Hat was a black hat David:-) 01:29:37 Bart Boswinkel: That 01:29:39 David McAuley (Verisign): ;-) 01:32:22 David McAuley (Verisign): won't we continue discussion about rules 01:35:07 Alyssa Moore: -seeding questions that will be answered in the session. -how this affects members -ask: what is something about the ccNSO that you mistunderstood at some point? 01:35:52 David McAuley (Verisign): very useful - nice hats 01:38:08 David McAuley (Verisign): Great meeting, thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, Joke and all 01:38:30 Kimberly Carlson: Thanks all, see you on the 22nd 01:38:32 Svitlana Tkachenko: Thank you, Katrina ! 01:38:33 Sean Copeland: Bye 01:38:37 Dejan Djukic: Thanks