00:22:25 Bart Boswinkel: One day I feel better 00:23:24 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s Guideline Review Committee and Subgroup teleconference on 26 April at 14:00 UTC. 00:23:52 Chris Disspain: apologies in advance - I will need to step off the call at the top of the hour or just before to start another call 00:45:54 Alyssa Moore: Agree with 45/45 00:45:56 Sean Copeland: I like that idea as well.. 45/45 00:47:01 Chris Disspain: this is fine for me provided that, if it is on a Monday then it is 1400 UTC for 45 minutes as I chair the IGO Work Track each Monday from 1500 UTC. 00:47:10 Bart Boswinkel: It is clarifying concepts and seeking support from the community 00:47:29 Bart Boswinkel: By ICANN71 00:47:50 Atsushi ENDO: I prefer Option 2 as well. Meeting on Monday is fine with me. 00:47:56 David McAuley (Verisign): 1400 utc fine with me 00:48:18 David McAuley (Verisign): yes 00:48:22 David McAuley (Verisign): thank you 00:51:08 Bart Boswinkel: In addition in one case the ccNSO voluntary agreed that the members nominate the Board members 00:51:50 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Option 2. 00:51:55 David McAuley (Verisign): good point - will we have a discrete wiki page 00:52:37 Kimberly Carlson: @David, yes: https://community.icann.org/x/T4eUCQ 00:52:46 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks, Kim 00:54:57 David McAuley (Verisign): Bart to be next voice of Darth Vader 00:57:54 Kimberly Carlson: This doc was circulated previously and can be found here: https://community.icann.org/x/IgOlCQ 00:57:59 Ann-Cathrin Marcussen: Yes, option 2 seems the best alternative! 00:58:33 Kimberly Carlson: Subgroup mailing list: ccNSO-GRC-SG@icann.org 00:59:13 Stephen Deerhake: Thanks Kimberly! 00:59:56 Kimberly Carlson: 👍🏼 01:02:17 David McAuley (Verisign): good advice, Bart 01:02:32 David McAuley (Verisign): please put link to this doc in wiki (mapping headings) 01:05:13 David McAuley (Verisign): sounds good 01:06:03 Kimberly Carlson: Noted, David 01:09:43 Chris Disspain: We should discuss that on list 01:09:52 David McAuley (Verisign): I agree w Chris 01:09:58 Kimberly Carlson: May 10, 24, June 7 01:10:09 Stephen Deerhake: Agree with Chris. 01:10:33 Ann-Cathrin Marcussen: Thanks for the dates, Kimberly! 01:11:01 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, Joke and all 01:11:36 Stephen Deerhake: Bye all! 01:11:46 Irina Danelia: Thanks Katrina. thank you all! 01:11:51 Atsushi ENDO: Thank you very much ! 01:11:56 Ann-Cathrin Marcussen: Thank you for efficient chairing, Katrina! 01:11:58 Svitlana Tkachenko: Thank you all 01:11:59 Sean Copeland: Bye everyone