14:51:13 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Hi Jean! 14:51:24 From Jean Nahum Constant to Everyone : Hi Joke 14:54:44 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Hello Angela 14:55:18 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone : hi Joke..and hello Jean 14:55:53 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Hi Ai-chin 14:56:03 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone : hi Joke 14:57:38 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Hi Adriana 14:58:14 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Welcome Tanya 14:58:29 From Tanya Forsyuk to Everyone : Hi Joke! 14:58:55 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Everyone : Hello everyone 15:02:09 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : Hello! 15:05:19 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : Hi all, welcome today 15:07:18 From Joke Braeken to Everyone : https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=14&month=4&year=2021&p1=195&p2=152&p3=107&p4=256&p5=94&p6=86&p7=241&p8=264&p9=163&iv=0 15:08:13 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone : Hi everyone 15:09:14 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone : Hello dear colleagues, sorry for being late 15:09:45 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : ok both work for me 15:10:02 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Everyone : I would rather prefer 12 UTC 15:10:19 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : maybe u do a survey? 15:10:35 From Heidy Hernández to Everyone : what time is right now in UTC? 15:10:35 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : 12 UTC for me 15:10:48 From Tanya Forsyuk to Everyone : 12 UTC for me too 15:10:57 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : 14:10 UTC now 15:10:58 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone : 12 UTC will be nice for me 15:11:26 From Barbara Povse to Everyone : +1 for UTC 15:11:37 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone : 6 UTC 15:11:39 From Barbara Povse to Everyone : 12 :-) 15:11:41 From Jean Nahum Constant to Everyone : Even 12 UTC is too early for Haiti 15:12:00 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone : I’m ok for both options 15:12:22 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone : I also could make it at 6 15:12:46 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone : I'm ok for 6 UTC and 12UTC. 15:12:48 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : for Honduras it's 6am 15:13:37 From Heidy Hernández to Everyone : 12 UTC works for me but not in a Wednesday 15:14:01 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : I said doodle but whatever you want is ok 15:14:12 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : Of course, we should all decide 15:14:28 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : and I think rotation is ok! 15:15:22 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone : Yes, I appreciate rotation very much 15:15:54 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : already registered yay 15:19:41 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone : DNS abuse? 15:20:41 From Joke Braeken to Laura Margolis(Direct Message) : Old hand Laura? 15:21:41 From Laura Margolis to Joke Braeken(Direct Message) : yes sorry 15:22:44 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : I totally agree with you Pierre 15:24:41 From Joke Braeken to Laura Margolis(Direct Message) : No worries :) thanks 15:25:13 From Barbara Povse to Everyone : +1 Pierre 15:25:26 From ai-chin Lu to Everyone : +1 15:25:30 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : Well, as you said, it depends on the regions 15:25:34 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : agreed pierre 15:25:49 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : imo ppl think that this is not business of this group 15:26:03 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : i mean carbon footprint etc 15:26:48 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : we dont have to lose our focus, regarding IG 15:27:06 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Everyone : I agree with you Laura 15:28:57 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : I mean I think it depends on the region, Europe has massive Blockchain networks running at corporate and private levels 15:29:21 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : Not the same in LAC region for example 15:29:23 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : that uses a lot of energy, in Latinamerica we're lagging on that, don't think it impacts as much 15:29:31 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : exactly 15:30:51 From Heidy Hernández to Everyone : I agree with Eduardo and Laura 15:33:03 From Pierre Bonis. Afnic to Everyone : +1 Barbara. it's also my personal opinion, but this is difficult to ignore 15:33:19 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone : I think the ccTLDs involved in tech WG are able to recommend the adoption of technologies that use less resources hence less CO2 emission. This group emphasizing on the need to reduce the carbon footprint will help others at the fore front of technology development have this at the back of their mind. 15:34:02 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone : At some point carbon emission reduction is connected with digitalization etc, but at his point, ccTLD talks more about the ‘infrastructure’ of the internet, which is why digital sovereignty concerns. Carbon issues is more related to the application of the Internet, instead of the infrastructure, and therefore we feel distant at it… by far. 15:48:51 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : thanks joke 15:52:49 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone : Agree with Joke 15:52:58 From Laura Margolis to Everyone : I agree too 15:52:59 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : ok see 15:54:15 From Barbara Povse to Everyone : Thank you Joke! And bye to all! 15:54:18 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : thank you all 15:54:22 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) to Everyone : bye 15:54:22 From Adriana Lazzaroni to Everyone : Thank you Joke and all 15:54:23 From Jean Nahum Constant to Everyone : Thank you Joke 15:54:27 From Jean Nahum Constant to Everyone : Thank you all 15:54:27 From Heidy Hernández (.gt) to Everyone : thanks 15:54:30 From Tanya Forsyuk .UA to Everyone : Thank you Joke anll! 15:54:30 From Angela Matlapeng -bw to Everyone : Thank you all .bye 15:54:31 From Jean Nahum Constant to Everyone : bye 15:54:31 From Yonglin YAO to Everyone : Thanks! 15:54:33 From Marie-Noemie Marques to Everyone : Thanks !! 15:54:34 From Heidy Hernández (.gt) to Everyone : have a nice day 15:54:38 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : thanks everyone 15:54:41 From Eduardo Tome (.HN) to Everyone : have a nice day