00:31:12 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference on 3 June at 19:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. No apologies. As a reminder, all calls are recorded and recordings posted on the public wiki (https://community.icann.org/x/qwgdC) Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:32:23 Kimberly Carlson: Added Merike to the apologies for today’s call 00:32:37 Kathy Schnitt: Thank you Kim 00:33:07 Patrik Fältström : I was late, sorry (due to flight), but I am here now 00:35:27 Patrik Fältström : YEAH! 00:36:46 Patrik Fältström : I am working three days in Stockholm, and two from home, and I fly back and forth. I arrive around 1900UTC Wednesday evenings at home. 00:37:09 Patrik Fältström : Yeah...I know that TOO, but this time it was unfortunately not that kind of flight... :-) 00:37:29 Matthew Thomas: Thanks Rod :) 00:41:23 Kimberly Carlson: : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ph5DuipzNKHup1MlkuUajGY8N8q7B4q6tuZ3j2btMRk/edit 01:04:40 James Galvin (Afilias): @jeff - i’ll get the timeline question after we talk about the major components. 01:08:18 James Galvin (Afilias): @jeff - privacy concerns prevail with everyone who has data. it’s one of the reasons we opted to give up the idea of collecting data per se. however, this also means we have to consider the question of what data the Board will have to consider when evaluating apps in the future. 01:09:42 James Galvin (Afilias): yes, jeff 01:24:50 Patrik Fältström : I forgot to unmute, but nothing important. 01:25:23 Patrik Fältström : Warren: what we have done is the project spec work with project people at ICANN. This in turn enables us to really start now (like Matt offers to do). ICANN will start getting the contractors etc. 01:25:32 Patrik Fältström : Its a boring time in a project :-( 01:25:48 Patrik Fältström : But yes, we lost time during "summer" (on the northern hemisphere). 01:27:54 Patrik Fältström : Jeff: I know that we at i-root can not share raw data (from Sweden to USA) due to various legal mechanisms. What we think we can do is to still "ask i-root questions" where the _answer_ to the question can be shared. When the data arrives this group have to decide the value of that data. But yes, we might get data and responses we can not validate. 01:28:08 Patrik Fältström : My view, we should not directly discard that data. We just KNOW what data we have. 01:38:33 Anne Aikman-Scalese: +1