00:21:21 Jeff Neuman: Sorry for being late 00:27:09 Jeff Neuman: Here is a link to the NIST document: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-30r1.pdf 00:27:17 Jeff Neuman: I think it is the most current version... 00:28:22 Jeff Neuman: Is there a reason why we couldn't propose doing Study 3 in parallel with Study 2 00:29:46 Jeff Neuman: Do we have a commitment from other Root Operators to get access to their data for this limited purpose? 00:34:33 James Galvin (Donuts): With respect to Study 3 in parallel with Study 2, there is nothing that prevents us from doing that, we’re just not prepared to do it at this time. Please do keep asking the question until we can see where it fits. 00:34:55 James Galvin (Donuts): This is a repeat to include attendees: Commitment, no. A tacit belief they’ll be able to ask questions of their data, questions we clearly state, and provide answers within the bounds of their own anonymity requirements, yes. 00:40:53 Jeff Neuman: Thanks James. I only note Study 3 again because the SSAC (as you know) in 114 states again that they do not think new TLDs should be added to the route until ALL of the Board Questions are addressed and of course that includes Study 3. If we don't start Study 3 until after 2 is done (in late 2022), then Study 3 wont be don't until 2024 and that kind of delay would not look favorably on all of us. 00:43:43 Jeff Neuman: For me personally, obviously number 2(a) is something I would like us to spend time on 00:44:58 Jeff Neuman: I would like to take a look at the harm definitions in more detail before I can ok it 00:50:11 Jeff Neuman: Agree Matt 00:50:57 Jeff Neuman: Likelihood of harm, magnitude of harm, length of harm, ability to mitigate harm 00:51:27 Jeff Neuman: @james - thanks for the clarification 00:53:22 Jeff Neuman: Factors (a) Likelihood of harm, (b) magnitude of harm, (c) length of harm, (d) ability to mitigate harm, (e) costs/resources/time needed to mitigate harm 00:56:05 Jeff Neuman: (f) "harm" of not delegating string (are we encouraging gaming) 00:57:57 Jeff Neuman: @Matt - I am not sure we can do that based on the semantic meaning of the string 00:58:27 Matthew Thomas: https://attack.mitre.org/