00:07:08 Kimberly Carlson: Hi all, welcome to today’s ccPDP Review Mechanism WG teleconference on 7 April at 13:00 UTC. 00:09:07 Bart Boswinkel: The Retirement public comment received 5 spam emails 00:26:33 Maarten Simon: Bit selfish but works for me 00:26:55 Irina Danelia: I'm fine if it's OK for others 00:28:24 Nick WS, Nominet UK: I think it's worth trying the new schedule for say a month. Selfishly like Maarten it's a really good time for me as it's unlikely to be disrupted by the day job but it's still a sociable hour 00:29:04 Svitlana Tkachenko: New time is good for me 00:29:31 Patricio Poblete: Time would be OK for me, but if it falls on the “wrong” day, I might have trouble attending 00:30:18 Joke Braeken: I did not :) 00:30:41 Stephen Deerhake: Understood Patricio. 00:37:07 Patricio Poblete: Just a typo, line 6. too close 00:37:13 Patricio Poblete: (missing “o”) 00:56:59 Eberhard Lisse: At least 3 working days before 00:57:21 Sean Copeland: +1 Eberhard 00:59:52 Nick WS, Nominet UK: +1 01:03:50 Patricio Poblete: Bye, everyone!