00:17:50 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Hello 2 all 00:19:17 Kimberly Carlson: Webinar slides and recordings can be found: https://community.icann.org/x/RASlCQ 00:23:24 Kimberly Carlson: There will also be a Policy session at ICANN71 (day/time TBD). Further community feedback will be solicited during this session 00:24:44 Kenny Huang: Thanks for an update 00:34:55 Peter Koch: I think the text can be improved to more cl;earl;y separate issues that are on ICANN and others, that are mere preconditions 00:35:45 Peter Koch: ‘MUST’ and passive voice can be very confusing 00:42:57 Bart Boswinkel: Further, the documentation MUST include a reference to the script or scripts in which the Designated Language is expressed and which MUST be listed in the script charts of the latest version of UNICODE which is processed by IDNA2008 (RFC 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892 and RFC 5893). 00:44:18 Peter Koch: stop the sentence before ‘and which’, then: scripts are eligible if and only if they appear in the latest version of unicode that has been …. (currently …) 00:44:32 Jaap Akkerhuis: I just checked. IDNA 2008 (RFC 5895) doesn’t;t mentions scripts in any form 00:46:14 Sarmad Hussain: https://unicode.org/versions/Unicode13.0.0/#New_Scripts 00:46:21 Sarmad Hussain: Unicode 13.0 adds 4 new scripts 00:47:31 Sarmad Hussain: FYI - these scripts will be considered by IDNA2008 when IETF processes Unicode version 13.0 00:50:02 Jaap Akkerhuis: RFC 8753 00:50:34 Peter Koch: 8753 … or respective successor document 00:54:14 Michael Bauland: shouldn't "... for selecting and IDN ccTLD string …" be ".. for selecting an IDN ccTLD string …" 00:55:06 Michael Bauland: typo: receveid => received 01:12:50 Dennis Tan: +1 Sarmad re:rz-lgr 01:13:28 Mirjana Tasic: +1 Sarmad re:rz-lgr 01:16:14 Peter Koch: apologies, have to leave at/for ‘00 01:16:16 Sarmad Hussain: DNS Stability Panel (DSP) 01:17:43 Dennis Tan: I need to drop out now. Thank you 01:18:31 Kenny Huang: Thank you. Dennis 01:21:01 hadia Elminiawi: I need to leave now - thank you all 01:21:49 Kenny Huang: Thank you. Hadia 01:24:29 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Thanks Dennis, Hadia 01:27:02 Michael Bauland: I agree. "all" should be "any" in line 2 01:28:10 Jaap Akkerhuis: “fails to meet any”…. 01:31:42 Javier Rúa-Jovet: None 01:32:10 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Thanks to all. Great progress. 01:32:22 Yudho Giri Sucahyo: Thanks all 01:32:23 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, bye! 01:32:27 Anil Kumar Jain CEO NIXI India: Thanks all for participation 01:32:33 Svitlana Tkachenko: thank you