00:13:11 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Hi to all; excuse tardinness 00:18:56 Kimberly Carlson: Doc can also be found on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/UwFtCQ 00:27:25 Oksana Prykhodko: Are there any examples of appealing in court the decision of such authority? (based on Fast track experience) 00:28:51 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Got it 00:29:59 Yudho Giri Sucahyo: Typo, line 17, further. 00:31:16 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you, Sarmad! Sorry for technical problems from my side( 00:32:23 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you, Anil! 00:33:13 Jaap Akkerhuis: I’ve noticed that UN did again a reshuffling of links 00:33:20 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Thanx for the discussion! 00:33:24 Javier Rúa-Jovet: No objection 00:33:56 Kimberly Carlson: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/ungegn/publications.html 00:34:22 Svitlana Tkachenko: Thank you, Kim 00:38:04 Jaap Akkerhuis: The IETF is actually tracking (new) versions of UNICDE and adapt the IDNA standards if needed 00:38:37 Sarmad Hussain: Currently processing v11 of Unicode 00:39:36 Sarmad Hussain: see: https://www.iana.org/assignments/idna-tables-11.0.0/idna-tables-11.0.0.xml 00:43:28 Sarmad Hussain: ISO_15924 00:47:42 Joke Braeken: Latest unicode version processed for IDNA2008. 00:48:37 Jiankang Yao: for __> by? 00:49:05 Sarmad Hussain: Scripts included in the IDNA2008 as applied to the latest version of Unicode 00:49:32 Sarmad Hussain: Joke’s version works 00:49:34 Javier Rúa-Jovet: .[Its on Naming Authority again; If this issue closed, question can definitely be answered later] Its clear, of course, that the pertinent Territory itself determines as per its processes, who the pertinent "Naming Authority" is, but my question is, is there something in ccNSO, some sort of accreditation step like what happens in GAC, where a Nation establishes its credentials to be able to join GAC, and then GAC makes a decision of whether or not to allow membership? For example, is it that the pertinent Territories' ccTLD manager informs ccNSO who that Naming Authority is and that fact remains stable until officially changed again after a similar process? 00:49:48 Jaap Akkerhuis: WOrdsmithing needed… ADNA 2008 i RFC XXXX and updates 00:50:41 Javier Rúa-Jovet: perfect 00:50:46 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you, Javier! 00:51:33 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Thx! 00:53:50 Javier Rúa-Jovet: Got it now. 00:54:45 Javier Rúa-Jovet: This is so interesting! 00:55:17 Javier Rúa-Jovet: So if theres no objection its non controversial. 00:56:38 Oksana Prykhodko: Competing requests - are we talking about the same IDNs for the territory or about IDNs in the same language? 00:57:53 Peter Koch: my bad, I said controversial where it reads contentious ; is ‘not contentious’ equivalent to ‘full consensus’? 00:57:58 ai-chin Lu: the government will have a endorsement letter 00:58:52 Javier Rúa-Jovet: This is a great discussion. If this type of policy language has worked in the past for the ccNSO in real world practice, then it should not be changed. 01:00:27 Javier Rúa-Jovet: none from me 01:02:29 Jaap Akkerhuis: Maybe we should remember this for the stress test? 01:03:54 Javier Rúa-Jovet: none from me 01:07:28 Svitlana Tkachenko: str. 10 “demonstrate that it is has a direct …” Typo? Should be “it has” ? 01:07:47 Oksana Prykhodko: I absolutely understand, that this is not the issue of ICANN/IANA, but can we get the list of disputed territories? Maybe from UN? 01:09:17 Peter Koch: since there’s no IDN ccTLD without an ISO3166 ccTLD, the parties in the territory should be known? 01:09:27 Oksana Prykhodko: Absolutely! Crimea, Transnistria, Karabach 01:10:03 Peter Koch: this is why ‘territory’ might be misunderstood 01:10:41 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you, Bart! +1 to Peter 01:15:24 Oksana Prykhodko: nonobjection - how to demonstrate it? 01:16:11 Oksana Prykhodko: Thank you, Bart! 01:16:29 Javier Rúa-Jovet: ….absence of evidence is not proof of inexistence.... 01:17:01 Oksana Prykhodko: +1 Javier! 01:26:00 Javier Rúa-Jovet: good call! 01:26:44 Kimberly Carlson: Sorry typo, should be 15 April 01:27:16 Kimberly Carlson: This group should have received a calendar invite 01:27:33 Joke Braeken: Bye all 01:27:36 Mirjana Tasic: bye