00:24:13 Jaap Akkerhuis: I used the zoom button in my pdf reader 00:26:35 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s ccPDP retirement working group teleconference on 28 January at 05:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. Apologies: Patricio Poblete 00:33:41 Peter Koch: reasonable addition to the report 00:35:49 Peter Koch: nit: “for example a description” or “for example descriptions” (line 3) 00:36:09 Allan MacGillivray: Bernie - if you put it in landscape orientation, maybe a larger font could be used. 00:40:31 Kim Davies: Would recommend all the references be formalized a bit 00:46:46 Jaap Akkerhuis: My errata are ready to go … 00:51:07 Jaap Akkerhuis: How to reference standards: https://www.iso.org/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/store/en/PUB100358.pdf, page 25 00:52:28 .id Registry#TAP: check. tks 00:57:33 Kimberly Carlson: Congratulations, all. Thank you, bye 01:01:42 Nick WS’ iPhone: agree! 01:02:10 Nick WS’ iPhone: Well done Stephen for all your work 01:02:35 Nick WS’ iPhone: We definitely deserve some drinks to celebrate! 01:02:46 .id Registry#TAP: :-) 01:02:55 Svitlana Tkachenko: :) 01:04:01 Allan MacGillivray: Here, here! 01:04:06 Bernard Turcotte: bye all 01:04:14 Joke Braeken: Bye all 01:04:17 Peter Koch: don’t worry, we’ll have a session to acknowledge comments or the fact that aren’t any; virtual drinks! 01:04:24 Bart Boswinkel: Bye all 01:04:31 Barrack Otieno www.aftld.org: Thank you Stephen and El for your leadership and everyone else 01:04:45 Peter Koch: thanks all & bye 01:05:10 .id Registry#TAP: Congrats. Thank you. All. Bye 01:05:11 Allan MacGillivray: Good bye and good night. 01:05:14 Sean Copeland: Bye all, this has been a great learning experience 01:05:31 Svitlana Tkachenko: Thank you. Bye