00:33:50 Sébastien Bachollet: At-Large attendees 00:34:22 Sébastien Bachollet: The 2 calls to present the tools was a great idea 00:34:47 Sébastien Bachollet: The figures are impressive 00:36:04 Sébastien Bachollet: A slow way of speaking is also important when we don’t have interpretation 00:36:56 Ashley Heineman: I'm always amazed with ICANN's interpretation capabilities. You guys seem to be real leaders in this. 00:37:39 Christina Rodriguez [Language Services]: Thank you Ashley 00:38:24 Mary Wong (Policy): Thanks, Ashley! Our Language Services team (headed by Christina and reporting to Sally NC), the Meetings and Technical teams all worked super hard to get here. We keep learning as we go along and your feedback is really helpful. 00:39:22 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): The services are absolutely critical for At-Large and very much appreciated 00:40:07 Manal Ismail: Indeed Maureen .. Same with GAC .. 00:41:33 A-Eduardo Diaz(NARALO): thanks. having a sandwich 00:43:52 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): I would suggest that, given we are all adults, the stakes are fairly low for Zoom bombing. I think there is a STRONG preference for meeting rooms. 00:43:59 Mary Wong (Policy): Based on Ash’s comments, we will be grateful if you can work with the Policy Teams that support each of your groups to determine each of your session objectives and needs. 00:45:27 Mary Wong (Policy): Based on those objectives and needs, we can then work with Ash’s team to see what options are available and appropriate. 00:46:19 Jonathan Robinson (Afilias): The feedback I have is that there was quite substantial frustration with the limited feature set of the webinars. The challenge is that the webinar format does not constitute a "virtual meeting" so, if we continue with webinar mode, we need to be honest about the degradation in meeting quality that this entails 00:47:42 Bruna Santos : Instead of the webinar mode, rightscon is embedding the video into the platform. And with a list of active participants at that special meeting plus a chat, so this allows some space for interaction between attendees and not on the zoom chat. 00:47:44 Steve DelBianco: +1 on Jonathan Zuck’s comment. Let’s use real meeting rooms, and let’s learn to deal with the trolls. 00:47:56 Jonathan Robinson (Afilias): A second feedback was that being absolutely open with the meeting links is an invitation to Zoom Bombing and even a veneer of security (e.g. links only sent to registered attendees) may reduce the impact quite substantially. 00:48:21 Mary Wong (Policy): @Jonathan and all, yes, exactly. We would like to provide the flexibility (with the trade-offs Sally and Ash mentioned); hence our request that each group think about its specific session objectives and needs so that we can work with you to use the best option per session (outside the plenaries). 00:52:52 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): +1 JR 00:52:54 Bruna Santos : Another experience from RC is that instead of listing publicly the zoom links they opted for emailing them only 5 hours before the meeting and exclusively to the confirmed participants. 00:53:42 Jonathan Robinson (RySG): @Bruna. Agree. That's a variation of my suggestion. 00:54:20 Bruna Santos : Yes, Jonathan, your intervention reminded me of mentioning that. 00:54:50 Susan.Payne: @Ashwin, I think that's reasonable. To attend in person one needs to register after all 00:54:51 Ashley Heineman: One the Registrar Stakeholder Group members was a target of one of the instances of zoom bombing during the last meeting, and I must say it was horrible what was said to her. As long as we recognize that this is a real problem with real impact, I think we can find solutions. But simply assuming we are all adults and it "wasn't that bad" can't be the end of efforts. 00:55:40 Rod Rasmussen: @Ashwin - Sounds good! 00:56:20 Mary Wong (Policy): @Ashley, understood - and why ICANN org takes our responsibilities to the community seriously and want to continue this discussion. 00:56:46 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): @Ashwin the alternatives sound like more positive actions to address user needs 00:58:50 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): But outside the schedule, no interpretation? 00:59:15 Mary Wong (Policy): @Jonathan, correct. 00:59:45 Susan.Payne: if internal meetings will they be listed, but closed to relevant participants (ie joining details not available to all)? 01:00:06 Brad Verd: I’m going to channel members here, while flexibility is nice, spreading the meeting over 3 weeks is difficult for those members who already have commitments outside ICANN during that 3 week window. As a group need to understand that we are not operating in a vacuum and there are impacts to expanding the meeting to over a 3 week timeframe. 01:00:07 Mary Wong (Policy): We are trying to balance the flexibility that we heard the community needs (in terms of scheduling and time zones) with the ability of our Language Services teams to service a certain number of hours and sessions per day. 01:00:36 Mary Wong (Policy): @Susan, we have not confirmed specific arrangements but that is certainly an option, yes. 01:00:37 Susan.Payne: where do the PDPs fit in this 3-week schedule? 01:01:11 Mary Wong (Policy): @Brad, understood and thank you. That is why we are saying that groups should not feel obliged to use all the slots and days, and that the three week schedule hopefully allows groups to spread out its meetings according to its needs. 01:01:27 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Great - my meeting "day" starts at 9pm 01:01:44 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): Perhaps we would be able to integrate something like Streamer for those meetings out of the schedule? 01:01:51 Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council): I believe that ccNSO Zoom room number is 2, not 3 :) 01:01:59 Mary Wong (Policy): @Susan - this is something the GNSO support staff has raised as well. There is certainly some flexibility within the three week framework, so some “crossing over” of session types is certainly contemplated. 01:05:10 Mary Wong (Policy): @Jonathan R and all - Prep Week needn’t just be the usual pre-informational webinars. It may be possible (and preferred) for some groups to use some of those slots for their own prep. 01:06:13 Jonathan Robinson (RySG): No objection from me to deferring the response / discussion 01:06:49 Jonathan Robinson (RySG): Having a pilot / iterative approach is not necessarily in conflict with having a parallel strategic discussion. 01:08:15 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): https://streamer.solutions/ 01:12:27 Susan.Payne: @Sally, well not just a timezone issue. Even someone in Europe who has a "day job" would struggle to be available across 3 weeks 01:14:02 Sally Costerton - GSE: @Susan yes certainly that’s correct 01:15:39 Jonathan Zuck (ALAC): Streamer is pretty sharp and teachable. It’s no substitute for live interpretation but having an option when interpretation is not available is essential. 01:21:41 Jonathan Robinson (RySG): One other piece of feedback I neglected to mention. 7 days is too short a window for the plenary session topics. Please consider extending. 01:21:41 Mary Wong (Policy): On plenaries - we are looking at perhaps a maximum of 3, in the last week. 01:22:11 Wolf-Ulrich Knoben: Is Aug 07 the deadline for High Interest Topics? 01:22:12 Mary Wong (Policy): @Jonathan R - understood. Tanzanica and I can follow up by email as this is an important topic. 01:22:59 Ashley Heineman: I don't think we have this. Can it be circulated via email? 01:23:07 Ashley Heineman: This slide on production and event dates 01:23:31 Mary Wong (Policy): @Ashley, Tanzanica will circulate this - there have been a few small updates from what Nick sent out last week. 01:23:43 Keith Drazek (Verisign): Apologies, I'll need to drop for another call. 01:24:34 Ashley Heineman: I'm so sorry... but what does "EMS" stand for? 01:25:01 Mary Wong (Policy): @Ashley, that’s the submission system that org staff have to use to request sessions :) 01:25:03 Tanzanica King, Meetings: Event Management Scheduling Software 01:26:40 Joan Kerr: Goodbye 01:26:40 Jonathan Robinson (RySG): Thank-you 01:26:40 Manal Ismail: Thanks everyone !!