16:01:31 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hello everyone! 16:01:56 From Barbara Povše : Hi Svitlana! 16:03:52 From Claudia Ruiz : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lGE2wILDVwm2TyaCh8CvbxC-8akknpdgeVM2WFHb7-c/edit#heading=h.y9h9ebz3qffh 16:11:04 From Svitlana Tkachenko : ok 16:18:22 From Joke Braeken : Action item #2: MPC members are invited to share the call for presenters, and to potentially either approach ccTLD managers themselves, inviting them to submit a presentation proposal, or to suggest the Secretariat which ccTLD managers to approach. Final decision on the selection of speakers will be taken by MPC during its meeting on 8 September. 16:25:16 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : ok Joke thanks 16:31:23 From Katrina Sataki : I support Alejandra :) we should try to be more inclusive 16:31:49 From Bart Boswinkel : The basic thought was these are the most includive times 16:32:05 From Bart Boswinkel : Block 1 is bad as well as block 5 16:33:46 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt : Ok... just looking for some balance ;) 16:35:36 From Katrina Sataki : Can we do as we did for KL time zones? I mean, when we distributed sessions 16:37:39 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt : Yes, this will be better for me ^_^ (at least our sessions) 16:39:17 From Bart Boswinkel : Currently the IGLC and SOPC intend to meet 16:40:21 From Bart Boswinkel : GNSO Council , 20 October block 3 16:44:49 From Patricio Poblete : Have we ever actually done a “dry run”? 16:45:32 From Ajay Data : I will have to leave. but I truly believe that our events should be in conference mode but controlled access to mic and video. that feature is available on zoom. 16:50:29 From Katrina Sataki : and yes, it was very time consuming :) 16:50:32 From Katrina Sataki : But worth it 16:52:33 From Alejandra Reynoso .gt : Can we get the calendar invites in advance ;) ? 16:52:58 From Joke Braeken : Should we send all calendar invites already as of now? 16:53:17 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : bye 16:53:23 From Nahum : bye 16:53:24 From Svitlana Tkachenko : thank you! 16:53:25 From Joel karubiu : Thank you 16:53:26 From Sean Copeland : Bye everyone