00:19:50 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): (I have work to do) 00:21:18 James Gannon: Ok will do 00:21:23 Frederico Neves: I have work to do as well! 00:26:49 James Gannon: Apoligies just saw that mail now 00:46:01 James Gannon: Aree with Andreas from my review also 00:52:56 James Gannon: For the record I was in the rough on that decision but such is life =) 01:09:10 Christian Dawson: Apologies, I need to drop off in 5 minutes 01:18:59 James Gannon: Agree with Fred 01:19:06 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): +1 to that 01:19:32 James Gannon: I was going to do some of these lines in my passthrough for items that are covered in the NDA docs 01:25:43 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): Kudos to Tomslin for the great progress! 01:25:58 Danko Jevtović: thanks cu