06:00:22 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s Guideline Review Committee Teleconference on 13 July at 12:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. Apologies: Sean Copeland and Dejan Đukić. As a reminder, all calls are recorded and recordings posted on the public wiki (https://community.icann.org/x/wYBIC) . Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 06:10:07 From Stephen Deerhake : This is a lot of work. Thank you. 06:10:28 From David McAuley (Verisign) : +1 @ Stephen - and a great idea in which the tables are very good 06:10:48 From Stephen Deerhake : Should we consider doing something like the GNSO's statement of interest (SOI) for 3.4? 06:11:13 From David McAuley (Verisign) : nice idea 06:18:16 From Stephen Deerhake : Some of us already have them due to the CCWG work we have done in the past. 06:18:38 From Stephen Deerhake : Just a thought for standardization. 06:19:12 From Bart Boswinkel : The SoI’s for the CCWG was an issue because they were meaningless in context of GAC and ccNSO 06:19:31 From Mirjana Tasic : Nice work Katrina, thank you 06:20:43 From Stephen Deerhake : Tables are great. 06:20:47 From Mirjana Tasic : Tables are very usefull 06:26:44 From Stephen Deerhake : I'm warming to Bart''s proposed approach... 06:27:13 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Agree that ease of maintenance is a prime concern 06:28:39 From Mirjana Tasic : My feeling is that it is better to have everything in one document 06:28:57 From David McAuley (Verisign) : I think I am a fan of one big doc rather than many on selection criteria 06:30:00 From David McAuley (Verisign) : something to ponder 06:32:37 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Turn the tables? 06:39:08 From David McAuley (Verisign) : like a shadow minister 06:39:15 From Stephen Deerhake : Alternate needs to read in copy and be ready to step in.... 06:39:19 From David McAuley (Verisign) : true - 06:39:42 From David McAuley (Verisign) : +1 @ Stephen - no time to lose 06:40:34 From Katrina Sataki : Especially because timelines are pretty tight again 06:43:11 From Stephen Deerhake : +1 @ David. 06:49:54 From David McAuley (Verisign) : OK, thanks Bart 06:52:08 From Stephen Deerhake : Do we have a central repository of things we want to (have already) run by ICANN legal? 06:52:09 From David McAuley (Verisign) : I think that's right about checking with members 06:53:14 From Katrina Sataki : @Stephen - yes, we do. This repository even has a name: Bart :) 06:53:15 From Stephen Deerhake : +1 @ David, but we have a seriously tight deadline 06:53:32 From Stephen Deerhake : @ Katrina: LOL! 06:55:28 From David McAuley (Verisign) : lots of work here too - thanks Bart 06:55:42 From Stephen Deerhake : Yes, thank you Bart. 06:56:49 From David McAuley (Verisign) : ah, the dreaded eyedrops 06:56:54 From Katrina Sataki : :) 06:57:09 From David McAuley (Verisign) : I've never liked those 06:57:34 From Stephen Deerhake : Me neither. A daily AM occurrence these days... Makes for a bad start of the day ;-) 06:59:20 From Stephen Deerhake : Yes Bart, no forum shopping. 07:00:45 From David McAuley (Verisign) : I like no forum shopping but first we have to follow bylaw 07:02:48 From David McAuley (Verisign) : annex D section 3.1 say this: (a) Subject to the procedures and requirements developed by the applicable Decisional Participant, an individual may submit a petition to a Decisional Participant seeking to remove a Director holding Seats 1 through 8 and initiate the Nominating Committee Director... 07:04:41 From David McAuley (Verisign) : fair point 07:05:22 From Stephen Deerhake : I think it is up to us to decide, but getting legal to weigh in on it is not a bad idea. Any ideas what GNSO/ALAC are doing about this? 07:05:40 From David McAuley (Verisign) : exactly, Bart, that is the issue 07:05:47 From Katrina Sataki : ALAC do not have guidelines as such. They deal with each case whenever it pops up 07:05:57 From Stephen Deerhake : Fair point Bart. 07:11:05 From Stephen Deerhake : Very good point Katrina regarding SSAC, etc. 07:13:22 From David McAuley (Verisign) : No AOB here 07:13:55 From David McAuley (Verisign) : fine with me 07:14:13 From Stephen Deerhake : 2 weeks works for me. In lockdown here... 07:14:29 From Stephen Deerhake : Not like I'm going to the beach this summer... 07:15:41 From David McAuley (Verisign) : we're coming to join you Katrina 07:15:55 From Stephen Deerhake : I'm bringing my bucket and shovel! 07:15:57 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Bye 07:15:58 From Joke Braeken : thanks all. bye 07:15:58 From Stephen Deerhake : Bye 07:16:03 From Mirjana Tasic : Bye