15:59:46 From Barbara Povše : Hello everyone 16:00:01 From Guðrun Poulsen : Hi Barbara and everyone :) 16:00:49 From Sean Copeland : Good morning everyone 16:01:01 From Joke Braeken : hello all! Welcome 16:01:25 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hello ! 16:02:58 From Katrina Sataki : Hi all! :) 16:05:19 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-MWRWGFDG7/ 16:22:16 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Agree, Katrina! Ask them what they need 16:40:15 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : im the only voting power 16:40:16 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : :D 16:41:09 From Katrina Sataki : You’re not the only one :) Scroll down and you’ll see other ‘yes’. Unlike raised hands, “yes” is not getting moved to the top of the list. 16:41:30 From Katrina Sataki : that makes it difficult to see - you need to do a lot of scrolling :) 16:41:33 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : sorry :) better to have more Powers :) 16:41:42 From Katrina Sataki : That’s true :) 16:44:46 From Svitlana Tkachenko : good idea. 16:45:20 From Alejandra Reynoso : Agree with Katrina :) 16:51:08 From Dejan : Agree, good topic 16:51:41 From Svitlana Tkachenko : for ccTLD news it’s great topic 16:58:02 From Joke Braeken : next meeting: Thu, 6 August 2020 (14 UTC) 16:58:42 From Katrina Sataki : Please do not forget ccNSO Cocktail! :) 17:00:15 From Katrina Sataki : I was saying (but apparently got lost) - the session on policy was not my idea, it was suggested by one of our community members. But I can think about questions 17:00:50 From Ajay Data : thank you 17:00:56 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Thank you, Barbara 17:00:56 From Sean Copeland : Thanks and bye 17:01:02 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : bye all