14:57:39 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hello! 14:57:47 From Joke Braeken : hello! Welcome 14:58:01 From Pablo Rodriguez : Greetings all! 14:59:31 From Svitlana Tkachenko : :) 15:00:09 From Marie-Noemie Marques, Councilor : Hello all ! 15:00:20 From Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council) : Hi Everyone! 15:00:34 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hi Katrina! 15:00:36 From Bart Boswinkel : Hi All 15:00:38 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : hello everbody 15:00:43 From Barbara Povše : Hello all, welcome to the MPC meeting 15:05:45 From Stephen Deerhake (.as - ccNSO Councillor) : +1 Barbara regarding for your comments regarding staff. 15:06:22 From Svitlana Tkachenko : +1 to support and help from the staff 15:06:39 From Joke Braeken : MPC seeks feedback (survey open until 12 July 2020) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MMICANN68 Preliminary survey results: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-K9P7QXM37/ 15:07:01 From Joke Braeken : a reminder to all to please mute while not speaking 15:16:11 From Bart Boswinkel : Staff needs to have a break between sessions: not just the the ccNSO support staff but also the tech staff 15:16:23 From Barrack Otieno : We can have training sessions for moderators. 15:16:37 From Barrack Otieno : a Webinar can assist 15:19:59 From Joke Braeken : if you want to follow the live note-taking during today’s session, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WAN0msQVT_bNmzkTakSMRWBXfnrN1_mhY_3VsUqYM7M/edit?usp=sharing 15:21:13 From Leonid Todorov : Bart, point taken. Thank you 15:21:36 From Barrack Otieno : During the physical meetings we normally have focused meetings for session Chairs. I had assumed this was the same for session moderators 15:21:43 From Eberhard Lisse : It is for the moderators to manage time. 15:22:00 From Barrack Otieno : Correct EL 15:22:20 From Leonid Todorov : Then I would add to the list the need to teach moderators how to observe time in a right way 15:23:05 From Leonid Todorov : EL, they do not know how to... It is a special skill which is well known of in the academic world 15:23:43 From Eberhard Lisse : My own experience during TechDay is that usually presentations are shorter than planned, but this time at vTech one or two ran over and I became very acutely aware of this, but since the topic were very interesting I let it run, initially, then send private messages to the presenter(s) and then engaged verbally with one 15:24:56 From Leonid Todorov : But, EL, the audience cannot be guided by one's perceptions or preferences...The maths is simple: 2 minutes per slide on average, and there you are... 15:25:16 From Eberhard Lisse : 10-20-20 15:25:27 From Eberhard Lisse : 10 slides, 20 minutes, 20-point fonts 15:25:36 From Leonid Todorov : Yes! 15:25:43 From Barrack Otieno : Time was a challenge 15:25:58 From Barrack Otieno : on Wednesday i had to stay up all night 15:26:12 From Barrack Otieno : it may not have been easy for most participants 15:26:32 From Barrack Otieno : We should standardize times to UTC 15:26:37 From Leonid Todorov : @Barrack, no one promised easy living to us:))) 15:27:16 From Barrack Otieno : @Kim many thanks for the reminders on time 15:27:51 From Svitlana Tkachenko : fortunately recording of the session is available and you can review the session in the daytime 15:29:33 From Biyi Oladipo (ccNSO Councillor) : @Barack, I agree with Leonid, it can't be that easy knowing that we are all at different time zones. I guess we all have to make sacrifices from time to time. 15:29:51 From Marie-Noemie Marques, ccNSO Council : One possible solution would be provide a Template to all the participants, including the information we want, on a particular theme 15:30:44 From Eberhard Lisse : And how is that going to work? 15:31:36 From Leonid Todorov : @Marie-Noemie, it does not help much. We should educate people, of course but it is also learning by doing. The problem is some do not show up to do and learn.....so it is a chicken and egg problem 15:32:58 From Eberhard Lisse : I am also trying particularly to source presentations from Fellows (with a technical background). We have been selective but the ones we had recently were very, very good. 15:33:26 From Eberhard Lisse : We should make a point of getting ccTLD Fellows to present at the main meeting 15:33:28 From Joke Braeken : the prep meetings for the ccTLD News Presenters were recorded. the recording can be found here: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Webinars 15:34:53 From Eberhard Lisse : There was no issue with her pitch, but with the content 15:35:20 From Leonid Todorov : The lady from BW was just great! 15:35:36 From Katrina Sataki (ccNSO Council) : I think she was excellent! 15:35:54 From Eberhard Lisse : As I said, the pitch was good. 15:36:05 From Joke Braeken to Barrack Otieno (Privately) : thanks Barrack, thank you very much 15:39:28 From Laura Margolis UY : +1 Pablo 15:40:15 From Ajay Data : +1 Pablo 15:42:57 From Stephen Deerhake (.as - ccNSO Councillor) : Your approach looks reasonable Barbara. 15:43:00 From Leonid Todorov : It is OK to have 2 sessions for different time zones. I would suggest building these sessions around a single topic: how about social responsibility projects and initiatives? 15:43:43 From Leonid Todorov : It would be good if ROs commit to having 2 presenters each. 15:43:43 From Stephen Deerhake (.as - ccNSO Councillor) : Back up the Prep meeting for the presenters to 15 Sep or there abouts? 15:44:17 From Marie-Noemie Marques, ccNSO Council : I fully approve the idea to focus on a common topic. 15:45:51 From joel Karubiu : I think this format worked well, spread of time 15:45:55 From Barrack Otieno : i fully support Leonids proposal 15:46:02 From Bart Boswinkel : In the past the MPC tried to do it ( themed session) but the number of volunteers is very limited 15:46:19 From Bart Boswinkel : sometimes not enough to fill the slot 15:46:33 From Svitlana Tkachenko : agree with Alejandra. 15:49:27 From Leonid Todorov : Small ccTLDs- how are you doing? 15:49:27 From Joke Braeken : perhaps to the MPC mailing list 15:49:37 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : sure 15:49:37 From Leonid Todorov : thatbis a topic 15:50:02 From Ajay Data : I would like to listen about contactless economy and contactless innovations. if we have good speaker. 15:53:55 From Eberhard Lisse : Leonid, should we collaborate on a presentation “What not to do with Powerpoint”? 15:56:53 From Leonid Todorov : EL, it does not work this way from the pedagogical standpoint. You cannot teach what NOT to do- we must do it the opposite way, I am afraid 15:56:56 From Pablo Rodriguez (ccNSO Council) : Good bye all, have a good weekend and keep safe! 15:57:00 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : thank u barbara 15:57:00 From Leonid Todorov : Butwill be happy to 15:57:02 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : bye all 15:57:02 From Sean Copeland : Good night all 15:57:02 From Stephen Deerhake (.as - ccNSO Councillor) : Bye all. 15:57:05 From Stephen Deerhake (.as - ccNSO Councillor) : bye all 15:57:05 From Marie-Noemie Marques, ccNSO Council : Bye bye !! 15:57:06 From Leonid Todorov : Bye all. 15:57:14 From Svitlana Tkachenko : thank you! see you!