00:37:53 Anne Aikman-Scalese: A test system would be very helpful to Sub Pro. We are finalizing a recommendation that ICANN develop such a system. 00:47:42 Steve Crocker: Here’s an idea for studying collisions that might be hard to do but would be insightful if it could be done… 00:47:55 Steve Crocker: Watch queries to root. When a string appears with frequency above a certain threshold, start watching queries at the recursive resolvers that have been observed sending the queries to the root. Capture the sequence of queries from the same IP address and then analyze those sequences. This should give some insight into the root causes of the collisions, e.g. included in a search string, etc. 00:51:40 Steve Crocker: Rubens, I understand the recursive resolver folks might be reluctant to share raw query data. But perhaps it might be possible to engage in a cooperative process where they look at the queries to help with this analysis. 00:56:23 Steve Crocker: Rubens, I could imagine a cooperative arrangement where the recursive resolver folks capture the sequence of queries and strip out some of the information to protect the identities of the querying parties but leave enough of the patterns of the queries to substantiate a root cause analysis. 01:02:43 Justine Chew: Good to know, @Brantly. 01:02:52 Steve Crocker: I’m not interacting with the recursive resolver operators, so I’m not the one who needs to do the persuading. I’m just making suggestions :) 01:03:59 Gregory Shatan: & 01:05:55 Gregory Shatan: @Jeff, that is true at this time, but the reservation of ISO 3166 Alpha-3 codes is not an absolute. There was much discussion on this point in Sub Pro. 01:06:47 Gregory Shatan: Microsoft’s new build of the Edge browser is Chromium-based.... 01:14:00 Anne Aikman-Scalese: Thank you Matt and everyone. Happy 68! 01:14:03 Jaap Akkerhuis: bye all