12:57:30 From Kimberly Carlson : hello everyone, welcome 13:03:33 From Jim Prendergast to All panelists : but she actually covered it in her opening statement 13:04:35 From James Galvin to All panelists : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jJcFmJEaa2wK1y0-87MvtlIB1N0at2PRZXv2KOp0grA/edit#gid=0 13:05:27 From Matthew Thomas to All panelists : no problem. glad to help. 13:10:21 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : Excellent. TY 13:10:36 From Justine Chew : Apologies for being late, I am on a conflicting call. 13:11:04 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : ? 13:11:12 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : Jim, you dropped out (at least, for me) 13:11:22 From Anne Aikman-Scalese to All panelists : It is likely that Sub Pro Final Report will mention a recommendation that ICANN develop a screening mechanism for a "DO NOT APPLY' list where name collision risk is too high. We also need a "gating mechanism" once applications are in to test strings as to whether the level of risk is high. Jeff and/or Rubens could explain these recommendations further but they are not on this call. 13:15:23 From Anne Aikman-Scalese to All panelists : Thanks Jim. 13:21:17 From Rod Rasmussen to All panelists : @Warren - agree there are many caveats on time series data - changes are interesting but not necessarily gaming themselves. 13:21:26 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : Yah, what Rod said. 13:27:31 From Anne Aikman-Scalese to All panelists : Sounds good. 13:30:01 From Kimberly Carlson : Thank you everyone, happy holidays/happy new year 13:30:03 From Anne Aikman-Scalese to All panelists : Thank you. Happy HOlidays!