12:56:18 From Kimberly Carlson to All panelists : HI Russ, welcome 12:56:37 From Russ Mundy to All panelists : Hi Kim 13:02:56 From Julie Hammer to All panelists : Is this it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jJcFmJEaa2wK1y0-87MvtlIB1N0at2PRZXv2KOp0grA/edit#gid=0 13:03:06 From Kimberly Carlson : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jJcFmJEaa2wK1y0-87MvtlIB1N0at2PRZXv2KOp0grA/edit#gid=0 13:03:13 From Kimberly Carlson : SHe’s much quicker than me ;) 13:05:16 From Julie Hammer to All panelists : Welcome, Jeff! 13:10:21 From Kathy Schnitt to All panelists : Rod you are muted 13:11:31 From Kimberly Carlson : Wiki space: https://community.icann.org/x/fxSJBw 13:15:18 From Matt Larson to All panelists : March 6 13:21:49 From Matthew Thomas to All panelists : I’m happy to work on #3 13:24:12 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : More review than text... 13:26:49 From Justine Chew to All panelists : Okay, we will be factoring how to manage the inter-relationships. Thanks, 13:27:08 From Matthew Thomas to All panelists : Happy to help with Barry on #7 as well. 13:31:08 From Justine Chew to All panelists : I will help with #7 13:33:55 From Justine Chew to All panelists : I have to apologize tentatively for not being able to make the F2F meeting in Cancun. I have a conflict, I believe, which I may not be able to get out of. 13:34:37 From Greg Shatan to All panelists : Rod, Good suggestion. I will talk to myself at that time. 13:35:22 From Warren Kumari to All panelists : @Jeff: I’ll be at APRICOT (.au) for the next ~12 days, and so meeting is tricky… 13:35:37 From Greg Shatan to All panelists : :-) 13:36:10 From Justine Chew to All panelists : Thanks all, good to see the report ready to go out. 13:36:13 From Jaap Akkerhuis to All panelists : bye