00:36:11 Matthew Thomas: https://atlas.ripe.net/ 00:43:23 Barry Leiba: Will we get copies of the slides? 00:43:48 Matthew Thomas: i believe some of these are here: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/octo-008-en.pdf 00:43:56 Jaap Akkerhuis: Are you filter out the noise? 00:44:20 Barry Leiba: Thanks, Matt. 00:49:41 Jeff Neuman: Does it also show then that many of these businesses are not using VPNs. right? 00:52:13 Jeff Neuman: warren is not on the call? 00:54:43 Jeff Neuman: Really interesting....Thanks! 00:55:26 Greg Shatan: Many browsers other than Chrome run on Chromium, including the new MS Edge. 00:56:57 Greg Shatan: Others include Vivaldi, Brave, Epic, Torch, SlimBrowser, Comodo Dragon and Yandex. 00:57:23 Matthew Thomas: For those interested these are the 18 lines of Chrome that cause all these queries: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/32352ad08ee673a4d43e8593ce988b224f6482d3/chrome/browser/intranet_redirect_detector.cc#76 00:58:10 Greg Shatan: Matt, do you know if this is the case in Chromium-based browsers other than Chrome? 00:58:47 Matthew Thomas: i don’t know. 00:58:50 Matt Larson: @Greg Yes, I believe everything using the Chromium engine exhibits this behavior of queries for non-existent TLDs from 7-15 characters long. 00:59:42 Greg Shatan: Thanks — I’ll take any Matt I can get... 01:00:32 Greg Shatan: Since Chromium is an open-source project, is this something “we” could try to solve? 01:02:19 Steve Crocker: Thanks, Roy. Very cool. 01:13:01 Greg Shatan: One source says Chromium-based browsers have 63.69% market share. 01:13:17 Matthew Thomas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Inx_1ndmQOvT3CFpMjhL7JvRcE2iESG1NnCwx-sR6Rs/edit 01:13:35 Greg Shatan: Except in law firms, where IE 11 has a pathetically large share. 01:16:33 Jeff Neuman: I am on...but not raising my hand :) 01:16:56 Matthew Thomas: sorry … name collisions….jeffs & matts :) 01:18:34 Anne Aikman-Scalese: LOL 01:23:56 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you, bye.