00:15:41 Kimberly Carlson: Hello hope you are all well. Welcome to today’s IANA Function Review Team (IFRT) teleconference on 31 March at 17:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on who is in Zoom. Apologies have been received from: JC Vignes. As a reminder, these calls are recorded and recordings/notes/attendance will be posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/RSiJBw Please also remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise. 00:17:59 Kimberly Carlson: Announcement: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-03-31-en 00:18:53 Suzanne Woolf: sorry I’m late 00:19:11 Amy Creamer: Just started! 00:22:50 Amy Creamer: Could everyone check that they are on mute? I’m hearing some background noise. 00:25:27 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): Just joined… sorry was late 00:43:50 Kim Davies: https://www.iana.org/help/complaint-procedure 00:44:07 Tomslin Samme-Nlar: Thanks Kim 00:44:58 Steve Conte: Thanks Bart, that was a very helpful deck 00:45:07 Danko Jevtović: thanks 00:45:35 Kimberly Carlson: Bart’s presentation is on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/RSiJBw 00:46:07 Kristian Ørmen: yes 00:46:47 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): Just need time to work on it 00:47:16 Patrik Fältström (SSAC): I am ok. A bit later than I wanted (in calendar time), but it looks good. 00:47:38 Peter Koch: my fellow volunteer undertook efforts for reaching out, but I need a bit more time - apologies 00:48:50 Suzanne Woolf: Meeting with Liman (CSC chair/RSSAC liaison) this week to get his impressions on the SLA amendment process and how that was done, what documents were involved, how the process was managed, what issues arose, etc. 00:52:33 Kristian Ørmen: ok. Thank you 00:53:49 Kim Davies: https://www.iana.org/performance/root-audit/202002 00:53:56 Kimberly Carlson: Link to the Google doc: (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liYwq83mQa9rRkuPwqt7ZoUDVtN-yT_c/edit#gid=1621245865) 00:57:23 Kim Davies: I’ll write up a summary for themailing list of the status quo 00:57:39 Kim Davies: I am certainly not arguing there may be a need to change the way we do it based onthe gap thatmay have beenfoundhere 00:58:21 Kristian Ørmen: I’m just trying to understand it :) not trying to complain 00:58:53 Kim Davies: They are all good questions 01:04:51 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): just flashed 01:10:16 Kim Davies: Sorry I need to drop off the call 01:17:23 Amy Creamer: Sounds good - will do 01:18:47 Kimberly Carlson: Thanks all, take care. Bye 01:18:48 Danko Jevtović: thanks *.*