00:19:13 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s IFRT Teleconference on 12 May at 18:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. Apologies have been received from Kristian Ørmen. As a reminder, calls are recorded and recordings posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/nYXsBw . Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:21:30 Amy Creamer: We will make the presentation available on the IFR wiki and will attach it to the email I send out with Meeting notes. 00:28:30 James Gannon: No RDAP on .int =( 00:33:29 Frederico Neves: whois.iana.org service is "good enough"™ 00:33:43 James Gannon: =) 00:33:54 Peter Koch: I doubt there’s any benefit for RDAP fot the INT TLD 00:35:10 Peter Koch: but the constituency might decide :-) 00:35:57 Kim Davies: We have an RDAP server built and it was under testing for all IANA resources we publish on WHOIS (int, root zone, IP address assignments). Work on it was suspended as we lost our technical director and we haven’t refilled that position yet. 00:36:40 James Gannon: Makes sense 00:39:26 James Gannon: Sorry! 00:40:51 Danko Jevtović: I also asked DavidC about .int a few weeks ago ;) 00:43:30 Frederico Neves: Welcome to the registrars providing free services... 00:45:48 Kim Davies: Anecdotally, the vast majority of int requests are people apply for domains like “kimdavies.int” - clearly ineligible and not within the intent of the domain. Unlikely the application was based on a misunderstanding of the criteria. 00:46:55 James Gannon: Yes we have a good collaboration with PTI on this as its a datapoint for us also 00:49:07 Marilia Hirano: Thank you all! If anyone has any follow up questions or suggestions, please send them my way! marilia.hirano@iana.org 00:49:07 Kimberly Carlson: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liYwq83mQa9rRkuPwqt7ZoUDVtN-yT_c/edit#gid=298513507 00:54:56 James Gannon: The CSC attestation of support and good faith etc will be approved on our meeting tomorrow and provided to the IFRT after that. 00:58:14 Tomslin Samme-Nlar: thanks for that James 00:59:05 James Gannon: Yup good point 01:02:18 James Gannon: Im fine with what I am supporting 01:03:44 James Gannon: haha 01:03:53 James Gannon: Line 22 Amy 01:05:52 Steve Conte: is there anyone already intending to sign the NDA? Would it make most sense just to ask that person(s) to join James on line 22? 01:06:13 Tomslin Samme-Nlar: I'll join you on the BCP setion James 01:06:36 Tomslin Samme-Nlar: I am happy to sign Steve 01:06:37 James Gannon: CCOP/SOC2/Transition plan 01:07:16 James Gannon: Also the PTI Security Info Plan Row 54 01:07:29 James Gannon: Rick is on that too 01:07:46 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): I seem to have stumbled into a bunch of those 01:08:34 James Gannon: All of them are me and Rick or Rick and Tomslin 01:08:37 James Gannon: I have a suggestion 01:10:19 James Gannon: Ah ye Fred your on the Security Plan with Rick 01:10:51 Steve Conte: Fred, if there’s anything you’d like another body on, I’m happy to participate. Like James, as a liaison, I don’t feel it proper to stand alone on any of this 01:24:21 Kim Davies: Sorry I have to drop off 01:25:35 James Gannon: Yup I don't mind what way we do it just want to know what to bring to the Councils agenda 01:27:54 James Gannon: yup 01:28:48 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, be well. Bye 01:28:51 Danko Jevtović: thanks 01:28:54 Steve Conte: thanks all 01:28:54 Tomslin Samme-Nlar: it was a goodmeeting..thank you