00:16:20 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s ccPDP on Review Mechanism Working Group on 6 May at 06:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be based on those in Zoom. Apologies have been received from: Patricio Poblete, Vanda Scartezini, Rocio de la Fuente, Peter Koch (may be late). As a reminder, calls are recorded and transcribed – recording/transcripts will be posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/boXsBw Additionally, please remember to mute your phones and mics when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. 00:17:12 Mzia Gogilashvili: Hello everyone 00:17:56 Svitlana Tkachenko: Good morning /evening! 00:18:08 Barrack Otienk: Goodmorning, afternoon evening colleagues 00:18:48 Allan MacGillivray: The people have spoken! 00:19:09 Sean Copeland: I’m good with the 5 AM since I think its best you are most awake Stephen 00:23:05 Bart Boswinkel: Morning, afternoon, evening, 00:23:35 Bart Boswinkel: Yesterday the public comment Interim Paper was opened, 00:23:55 Bart Boswinkel: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/ccnso-pdp3-retire-cctlds-2020-05-05-en 00:27:44 Jaap Akkerhuis: BTW, I mticked multiple options 00:28:03 el: I ticked 2 options 00:28:38 Barrack Otieno: Sure we can review as we move along and adjust accordingly. 00:29:15 Kimberly Carlson: next call will be at 12:00 UTC 00:31:00 Barrack Otieno: i feel it went well 00:31:35 Allan MacGillivray: I only sat in on one of the sessions and I thought it went well. I liked the polling. 00:32:02 Irina Danelia: You did very good, many thanks Stephen! 00:32:13 Barrack Otieno: It was very informative 00:34:38 Kimberly Carlson: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/ccnso-pdp3-retire-cctlds-2020-05-05-en 00:36:32 Barrack Otieno: many thanks Kim, i can confirm it has been circulated to the ALAC 01:00:16 Maarten Simon: Looking at the IRP seems to make sense. With regard to panelists, I would like to consider the idea that the panelist should be nationals of the country the ccTLD is related to and the applicable law should be of that country 01:01:35 Maarten Simon: But something to discuss later 01:03:19 Nick Wenban-Smith, Nominet: An IRP type procedure does look appropriate. It's the devil in the details as usual ... 01:05:22 el: National Law has nothing to do with any decisions by PTI/ICANN and I don’t think limiting the choice of panelists for the ccTLD Manager is counterproductive. 01:06:27 el: Remember, costs are ICANN’s problem, and it has vastly more resources than the average ccTLD Manager has. 01:07:04 el: I am in favour of keeping setup costs low, but case cost can not be a consideration for us. 01:10:54 Maarten Simon: National law is quite relevant in the case of any discussions with regard to delegation, redelegation, etc.of .nl. May be different for other ccTLD’s. 01:11:16 Stephen Deerhake: Thank you Irina. 01:11:48 Stephen Deerhake: FYI we will likely going into extra time... 01:11:59 el: Maarten, it is not. We are making ICANN policy, and as much as I would like ICANN to be subject to 253 different jurisdictions, ICANN is never going to agree to this. 01:12:52 el: National Law affords nationals recourse in disputes with nationals or entities subject to that national law. 01:13:55 el: RFC 1591/FoI avoid this issue and I don’t think we can introduce it de novo. 01:14:09 Maarten Simon: Point is that we now seem to structure it as a discussion between a TLD manager and ICANN while RFC 1591 speaks about discussions between signifanctly interested parties 01:15:06 el: But not in the context of Review 01:15:19 Maarten Simon: I know 01:15:56 el: We are only looking at Review now. 01:17:22 Jaap Akkerhuis: I have blocked 90 minutes fir this 01:19:30 Kimberly Carlson: Next call, 20 May at 12:00 UTC 01:20:49 Allan MacGillivray: Good day all. 01:20:50 Bernard Turcotte: bye all 01:20:52 Sean Copeland: Good night 01:20:54 Jaap Akkerhuis: Bye all 01:20:55 alireza saleh: bye 01:20:57 Peter Koch: bye 01:20:58 Barrack Otieno: many thanks goodday all 01:21:00 Barrack Otieno: bye