00:16:11 Marie-Noemie Marques: Hello everyone! 00:16:23 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s ccNSO Council Teleconference on 21 May at 12:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll call. Apologies received from Maarten Simon. As a reminder, calls are recorded and transcribed; recordings/transcripts posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/V4HfBw. Please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. This call is governed under ICANN’s Expected Standards of Behavior. https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:17:40 Stephen Deerhake (ccNSO Councillor .as): Minutes were fine. Meant to send an mail to the list to that effect. 00:21:12 Kimberly Carlson: Stephen’s line is breaking up 00:21:24 Pablo Rodriguez ([.pr] ccNSO Council): I hear it as well on both of you 00:30:07 Abdalla : Sorry Im late 00:31:02 Kimberly Carlson: welcome Abdalla 00:32:25 Stephen Deerhake (ccNSO Councillor .as): Move 00:42:25 Abdalla (Councillor): Move 00:44:58 Marie-Noemie Marques, Councilor: yes I have 00:45:16 Marie-Noemie Marques, Councilor: Added one comment / suggestion about diversity 00:53:13 Marie-Noemie Marques, Councilor: I fully agree, this is why i can only be "as appropriate" 00:53:22 Marie-Noemie Marques, Councilor: it can be .. 00:58:06 iPhone de souleymane: move 01:05:42 Philippe Fouquart: Bart, is the GNSO council cc-ed on the response letter to org? I'm just thinking maybe we should inform the GNSO council given that the CSC effectiveness review was a "joint effort". Just as a "matter of courtesy"... 01:06:06 Bart Boswinkel: @ Phillipe 01:06:17 Giovanni Seppia: FY21-25 Operating and Financial Plan 01:06:22 Bart Boswinkel: I need to check the original correspondence again 01:06:37 Bart Boswinkel: will get back to you on this 01:07:45 Philippe Fouquart: @Bart, Thanks or I'll forward the letter, no a big deal given the content of that letter I would think, but just for the sake of keeping everyone informed. 01:15:05 byron.holland (Councillor): +1 on Stephen's comment 01:26:22 Stephen Deerhake (ccNSO Councillor .as): (Sorry, I was ahead of the actual agenda...) 01:40:17 Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Councilor: For ICANN68 ccNSO Council Meeting Block 5 is at 07:00 UTC (15:00 Kuala Lumpur) ;) 01:41:18 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, be well. Bye 01:41:23 Stephen Deerhake (ccNSO Councillor .as): Good to go. Thank you Katrina! Bye all! 01:41:24 Pablo Rodriguez ([.pr] ccNSO Council): Take care all 01:41:27 Alejandra Reynoso .gt - ccNSO Councilor: Thank you! :) Bye :) 01:41:29 byron.holland (Councillor): Thanks, bye all and stay healthy