00:16:58 Kimberly Carlson: Hello, hope everyone is well. Welcome to today’s IFRT teleconference on 28 April at 18:00 UTC. Attendance will be taken based on Zoom. Apologies from: Christian Dawson and Kim Davies. As a reminder, calls are recorded - recordings will be posted on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/PIHfBw 00:17:41 Danko Jevtović: hi 00:18:11 Frederico Neves: Hi Danko 00:19:56 James Gannon: Can I ask who that is out of interest =) 00:23:16 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): (I’m also curious as to who the observer is) 00:24:05 Frederico Neves: Yuancheng Zhang 00:24:09 Yuancheng Zhang: hi 00:24:16 James Gannon: Welcome! 00:24:32 Yuancheng Zhang: thank you :D nice to see you all 00:27:32 James Gannon: Verbal good for me 00:32:13 Steve Conte: apologies for delayed entry. last meeting ran long 00:35:07 James Gannon: Yes I think most of the existing escalations have been in that bucket 00:35:43 Amy Creamer: I know the last escalation was a dispute and Kim can address that 00:42:15 Kimberly Carlson: Link to the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/T40zBw 00:42:48 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): :-) 00:43:51 James Gannon: I can almost list all the companies that will say no to the NDA =) 00:47:26 Amy Creamer: Kim also said he will be catching up on answering any emails from team members this week 00:47:46 James Gannon: Hes has a hectic 2 weeks keeping the internet from losing DNSSEC 00:56:31 James Gannon: yes its on us now 00:56:43 James Gannon: Amy has done the heavy lifting to date now its our turn 01:00:16 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): fine with our normal tempo 01:01:58 James Gannon: I would not be attending in KL time 01:02:39 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): the other ICANN Working Groups that I’m in that have a normal cadence are skipping ICANN week 01:03:01 Peter Koch: do not care so much time wise, but shouldn’t we have a meeting for ‘transparency reasons’? 01:03:04 James Gannon: Yup that seems to be the trend 01:05:28 James Gannon: Im happy to setup a zoom room where we all sit and review our sections and draft together instead =) 01:07:02 James Gannon: Chairs blog for 68? 01:07:36 Amy Creamer: A blog is a good idea, per James 01:07:46 James Gannon: Lightweight but effective 01:08:20 Peter Koch: agree 01:08:29 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): +1 01:09:33 James Gannon: Amy will that cause issues with time 01:09:38 James Gannon: Ah what Fred said 01:10:41 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you all, be safe. 01:10:43 Kristian Ørmen: thank you 01:10:50 Kaili Kan: Thank you. Bye! 01:10:50 Danko Jevtović: thanks *.* 01:10:52 Jean-Christophe Vignes: Thank you!