00:17:52 Rod Rasmussen: Please add link to latest document to chat. Sorry if you already did and I came in after. 00:18:10 Kathy Schnitt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ri9LuGD8Gplz5ooyeVS6GahiiRuPNY80KaXcujopoac/edit 00:18:18 Kathy Schnitt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ri9LuGD8Gplz5ooyeVS6GahiiRuPNY80KaXcujopoac/edit 00:19:11 Rod Rasmussen: @Jim - friends and neighbors with relevant backgrounds would be preferred… 00:22:36 James Galvin: @rod - of course :-) 00:24:40 Julie Hammer: Sorry, Jim. Haven’t had a chance to look at this. 00:25:39 Jeff Schmidt: Thanks, Matt for putting this together. Would like to review and ponder a bit. This is good work and thinking thank you. 00:25:58 Matthew Thomas: Thanks Jeff. 00:27:35 Anne Aikman-Scalese: If Karen updates Study 1, does that mean it has to be sent out for public comment again? Should she just refer to the DG document on which we ultimately develop consensus? 00:29:51 Anne Aikman-Scalese: Ok, thanks Jim. 00:31:52 Anne Aikman-Scalese: QUESTIon: Is there a staff summary of public comments? 00:32:11 Anne Aikman-Scalese: OK thank you. 00:36:17 Anne Aikman-Scalese: Sub Pro is scheduled to discuss Name Collisions in April. Will anyone from NCAP participate 00:36:39 Anne Aikman-Scalese: I think it is April 20??? 00:37:07 Anne Aikman-Scalese: That would be great - will send the date and time 00:37:59 Greg Shatan: I am also a member of Sub Pro, as is Justine Chew. 00:38:58 Anne Aikman-Scalese: Greg and Justine - will you support my email to Jeff Neuman asking him to send an invitation to Jim and the Co-Chairs? Jeff did not seem too interested when I raised the collaboration topic last call. 00:39:09 Justine Chew: So is Rubens Kuhl +1 @Anne and @Rod, definitely appropriate to have collaboration 00:40:59 Anne Aikman-Scalese: I think Justine has strong background but we definitely need NCAP official presence on the Sub Pro call. The Board specifically asked that we collaborate. 00:41:48 Anne Aikman-Scalese: I think it may be April 20 - will check. 00:42:12 Anne Aikman-Scalese: Many thanks Jim. 00:42:33 Kimberly Carlson: Thanks all, bye