00:09:48 Kimberly Carlson: Welcome to today’s IANA Function Review Team (IFRT) teleconference on 14 April at 17:00 UTC. In the interest of time, there will be no roll-call. Attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Apologies have been received from: Christian Dawson, Richard Wilhelm will be late. As a reminder, these calls are recorded – recording posted on the public wiki (along with notes and action items): https://community.icann.org/x/ADGJBw. Please also remember to mute your phone and microphones while others are speaking to avoid background noise and echoing. 00:10:31 Kimberly Carlson: Tomslin is also an apology today 00:14:24 USERA: apologies my connection is not very stable and Im in and out of connectivity 00:15:09 USERA: So, Im losing some of the presentation 00:16:06 Amy Creamer: The slides will be posted on the IFR wiki if you would like to review them later. This is also recorded. 00:16:38 USERA: oh yes 00:19:06 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): (joined) 00:37:09 James Gannon: Ok good so yes there is a process to follow good. 00:39:43 Becky Nash ICANN Finance: Thank you everyone Shani and I will drop off now 00:40:17 James Gannon: Thanks Becky 00:40:47 Kristian Ørmen: I have looked a bit more on my part, but i have only had 3 workdays since last meeting because of easter 00:42:17 Kimberly Carlson: The slides are on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/ADGJBw 00:43:05 USERA: I am close to being done on my part 00:43:29 fneves: Thanks USERA 00:43:52 J.C. Vignes (Uniregistry): I’m finally coming out for air after some terrible weeks, I do intend to contribute asap on anything where I can be useful. 00:44:01 USERA: User A is Andreas Dlamini 00:44:26 fneves: Thanks Andreas 00:45:13 Suzanne Woolf: I think a lot of us had a slow start 00:45:40 Suzanne Woolf: And the last month or so has been challenging for everyone 00:46:19 Amy Creamer: So instead of 17:00 UTC going to 19:00 UTC 00:46:34 James Gannon: Works for me 00:46:47 Peter Koch: wfm 00:46:52 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): I only have 1 hour at that time slot 00:46:54 Kristian Ørmen: Not possible for me 00:47:05 Rick Wilhelm (Verisign): but 1900-2000 would work 00:47:46 Peter Koch: might want to add ’30 options ... 00:48:00 Amy Creamer: Thanks Peter, good idea. Will do 00:48:37 Kimberly Carlson: noted, Peter. Thanks 00:50:43 Peter Koch: thanks; bye! 00:50:43 Kimberly Carlson: Thank you everyone, bye 00:50:47 J.C. Vignes (Uniregistry): Thanks to all! 00:50:47 Kristian Ørmen: Thank you