15:54:26 From Joke Braeken : hello all! 15:55:21 From Akinwunmi Olusegun : Hello! 16:01:32 From Todorov : Hi there 16:01:56 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hello! 16:02:13 From Sean Copeland : Hi everyone 16:02:22 From Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) : Hi everyone! 16:02:43 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : hello pals 16:02:53 From Joke Braeken : hi all. Welcome! 16:06:41 From Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata : Hello everyone 16:06:52 From Barrack Otieno : 90 Minutes is quite long 16:08:30 From Joke Braeken : the survey can be found here: https://ccnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-06apr20-en.htm 16:08:38 From Joke Braeken : please take a moment to complete the survey 16:12:57 From Peter Van Roste : Stick with the timezones of the meetings. Fair indeed. 16:14:53 From Joke Braeken : if you would like to follow the live note taking today, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FpyKJ24LvOJTAsQrDPuoghgFnnrsTMYjE1OQ0wiPjvM/edit?usp=sharing 16:27:45 From Joke Braeken to Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) (Privately) : nice seeing you Yuri! 16:27:52 From Joke Braeken to Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) (Privately) : it is late for you, isn’t it? 16:28:29 From Barrack Otieno : Barbra, we may need to start imagining how the future ccTLD would look like in terms of products and services and encourage R and D related presentations 16:28:42 From Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) to Joke Braeken (Privately) : it's 23:28PM here in Japan :) 16:29:20 From Joke Braeken to Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) (Privately) : that would be my limit :) 16:31:37 From Todorov : Joke, I see no yellow color. Beige may be? 16:32:49 From Katrina Sataki : From a practical point of view - how do we all fill in those columns? i.e. should each of us add a ‘x’ or, if there is a ‘x’, we don’t add anything? 16:33:26 From Katrina Sataki : @Leonid - it is very light yellow :) 16:34:00 From barbarap : Katrina, we all add x, even if there's already one :-) 16:34:16 From Katrina Sataki : Who’s going to count them? :) 16:35:53 From Todorov : @Katrina, I got the concept -simply was expecting to see any yelow mark-ups, sorry 16:37:01 From Barrack Otieno : are there any ccTLDs deploying AI 16:37:28 From Todorov : I would rather see scores here rater than simple X-es. That would be helpful, I guess 16:37:44 From Barrack Otieno : @Peter or @ Leonid in your Regions, it would be interesting to see what they Re using it for 16:38:03 From el (.NA) : Would this not be something lending itself very well to a survey (survey monkey), instead of a spreadsheet? 16:38:16 From Akinwunmi Olusegun : how will 5G also impact the DNS industry? Are we looking at having any projections towards this development? 16:38:20 From Barrack Otieno : and legal implications this is with respect to making the agenda more interesting 16:38:43 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : yeah survey 16:39:31 From Todorov : @Joke, thank you 16:39:55 From Joke Braeken : Action item #2: MPC is kindly invited to fill out the google sheet. https://bit.ly/2xcgPm1 Deadline: Friday, 17 April 2020, end of day. Based on the input provided and the MPC evaluation, the MPC chair and Secretariat will prepare a first draft agenda of the ICANN68 ccNSO members meeting, for discussion during the next MPC meeting 16:40:02 From Peter Van Roste : What is ECA? 16:40:15 From Joke Braeken : Empowerd Community Administration 16:40:16 From el (.NA) : Empowered Community Admin 16:40:17 From Katrina Sataki : Empowered Community Administration 16:40:17 From Todorov : @Barrack, which legal environment are u talking about? Commonwealth, Continental, German, etc.? 16:40:48 From Peter Van Roste : @el Thanks! 16:40:54 From el (.NA) : Leonid, we have often had legal opinions of particular country legal systems. 16:41:21 From Todorov : @el, you bet:)) 16:41:30 From el (.NA) : Of course this is not undoing on any other ccTLD unless in the same jurisdiction (ie. CC, CX and AU might share this) 16:42:07 From Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata : I agree that the sessions need to be a lot shorter because attention span with digital platforms can somewhat be affected 16:45:34 From Todorov : I missed ICANN67 and wonder which format(s) are we going to employ? 16:45:53 From el (.NA) : I have made a presentation my my colleagues on what not to do with Powerpoint. Am quite willing to adapt and present. 16:47:17 From el (.NA) : You can take over her screen and move the slides 16:49:03 From Todorov : LACTLD has just had an excellent online meeting with interpretation 16:52:11 From Joke Braeken : even a simple polling during a presentation could increase the engagement, and is interactive 16:52:37 From Joke Braeken : those speaking having video on, an interesting slide deck etc are helpful. 16:52:38 From Todorov : @Joke, +1 16:54:06 From Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) to Joke Braeken (Privately) : Starting meeting at 23:00PM is not so bad for me! (attending ICANN67 virtual meeting was little bit hard time for me) 16:54:38 From Joke Braeken to Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) (Privately) : ICANN68 will be tough for me, if they decide the mereting will be in KL time 16:55:06 From Barrack Otieno : that would be helpfull El 16:55:15 From Todorov : @El, I too have a similar slide deck for colleagues in Asia Pacific:) Would be intersting to check yours 16:57:00 From Todorov : @EL+1 16:57:47 From Peter Van Roste : Why clean the doc? Did already half of my homework! :) 16:58:11 From Joke Braeken : the tips and tricks Peter :) 16:58:16 From Joke Braeken : not the google sheet 16:58:23 From Todorov : Thank you, everyone, very helpful 16:58:39 From el (.NA) : Am emailing it you you as we speak 16:58:47 From Peter Van Roste : :) Phew. 16:59:02 From Todorov : EL, will do the same 16:59:07 From Todorov : Thanks 16:59:12 From Joel : Thank you all 16:59:15 From Peter Van Roste : Bye! 16:59:16 From Alejandra Reynoso : Thank you!! 16:59:17 From Katrina Sataki : Thank you! Bye! 16:59:19 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : bye 16:59:22 From Svitlana Tkachenko : thank you! 16:59:24 From Sean Copeland : Bye 16:59:29 From Barrack Otieno : bye 16:59:29 From Yuri Takamatsu(.JP) : Thank you all!