00:17:40 Greg Shatan: We’ve gone from Cancun to cocoon.... 00:17:45 Warren Kumari: Explicit no update. 00:17:55 Warren Kumari: @Greg: Cute. 00:17:56 Anne Aikman-Scalese: LOL Greg 00:18:04 Kathy Schnitt: @Greg very true:) 00:18:36 Kimberly Carlson: Hello, hope all are well. Welcome to today’s NCAP Discussion Group teleconference on 25 March at 1900 UTC. These calls are recorded and transcribed. 00:20:20 Jaap Akkerhuis: Having problems will retry 00:22:07 Kimberly Carlson: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Inx_1ndmQOvT3CFpMjhL7JvRcE2iESG1NnCwx-sR6Rs/edit 00:27:15 Jaap Akkerhuis: I finally hear Jim 00:30:40 Anne Aikman-Scalese: COMMENT: Maybe the data needed is what is happening now AFTER the 90 days of controlled interruption 00:31:41 Matthew Thomas: Is this beyond the CI period? 00:31:43 Kimberly Carlson: Wiki space with attendance: https://community.icann.org/x/_iOJBw 00:33:51 Matt Larson: The only source for old root server traffic is DNS-OARC's DITL ("Day in the Life") which is only 48 hours every year. 00:38:53 Ram Mohan: Don't we need to figure out the criteria for a "collision" status to be removed? And isn't that a separate work item? 00:42:15 Warren Kumari: +many lots 00:43:50 Warren Kumari: "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" 00:45:21 Ram Mohan: Do we have evidence that Controlled Interruption was a successful mitigation model for name collision in the prior round? What metrics can prove or disprove that assertion? 00:48:49 Warren Kumari: Hey, I get to use ""Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"" again! 00:49:48 Ram Mohan: @Warren, there may be evidence here, the qn. is whether we know what it is that should be gathered 00:57:41 Ram Mohan: Draft JAS Phase One Report on Mitigating the Risks of DNS Namespace Collisions available at http://www.icann.org/en/about/staff/security/ssr/name-collision-mitigation-faqs-25feb14-en.pdf 00:59:20 Warren Kumari: @Ram: My comment was that we didn't get many reports of CI issues. This does not lead to the conclusion that there weren't any 01:01:26 Ram Mohan: @Warren: Agree completely. My comment was that we should figure out what data should be collected, because I fear some might only look at the handful of CI issues and claim that there is no problem at all. 01:04:39 Warren Kumari: Haha... 01:04:55 Warren Kumari: (Search lists on canary domain) 01:05:41 Barry Leiba: I have to bail out and head to IETF WPACK session. 01:05:59 Warren Kumari: https://media.giphy.com/media/l3vQZ8ko4l0nvjm2Q/giphy.gif 01:06:01 Warren Kumari: Me too. 01:06:09 Warren Kumari: Bye y'all. 01:12:53 Anne Aikman-Scalese: QUESTION: Does the recommendation to proceed to Study 2 need to come formally from both SSAC and OCTO or just SSAC or what? 01:13:44 Anne Aikman-Scalese: okay, thank you Jim 01:14:48 Tom-EnCirca: thanks all. 01:14:51 Anne Aikman-Scalese: THank you