00:19:02 Kimberly Carlson: Hello, hope all are well. Welcome to today’s cc PDP Review Mechanism Working Group teleconference on 8 April at 18:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on who is on Zoom. Apologies from: Rocío de la Fuente (late). As a reminder call will be recorded – recording will be posted on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/piyJBw. Please also remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking, to avoid background noise/echoing. 00:19:41 Kimberly Carlson: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/6ZHHTLW 00:19:47 Barrack Otieno: Hi everyone 00:19:50 Kimberly Carlson: Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/6ZHHTLW 00:20:24 el: Anna, you can open the Participants subwindow where you can see every participant and whether they are muted or unmuted, and other stuff like raised hands and so on 00:22:36 Jaap Akkerhuis: I do have another call starting at the next hour so I might have to leave by that time. 00:27:46 Anna Karakhanyan: Thank you dot informing , I am aware, just forgot to unmute myself:( 00:28:57 Jaap Akkerhuis: I’m not sure I should vote being an advisor 00:34:29 Stephen Deerhake: I agree with Eberhard regarding lines 30-35; I'm a native speaker and it has me scratching my head. 00:35:22 el: It just needs a little wordsmithing, content is clear. 00:35:24 Nick WS’ iPhone: as 00:35:50 vandascartezini: i normally translate while reading and if made no sense I raise a point 00:35:56 Nick WS’ iPhone: I think I understand the intent but it could be better worded 00:37:19 vandascartezini: yes quite clear for me 00:37:20 el: Nick, you may propose language :-)-O 00:37:29 Peter Koch: re: 30-34, replace negative phrasing by positive, definition style. “there will always be a first and a second reading, … 00:37:50 el: I like this, Peter. 00:37:55 vandascartezini: god idea peter 00:38:07 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Peter! 00:38:15 vandascartezini: ok till the end of this title 00:38:59 vandascartezini: staff I guess will bray attention also 00:39:35 Joke Braeken: absolutely Vanda. Staff will help in managing the queue if needed 00:40:25 vandascartezini: el - agree happens a lot indeed 00:41:50 Nenad Orlić: sorry for late arrival 00:42:40 vandascartezini: ok organizing process - agree ( 62) 00:43:41 el: It makes things predictable 00:44:18 el: We haven’t had to use it in the Retirement Wg 00:44:20 Peter Koch: I believe “rudeness” might fall under the ICANN CoC; the point here is to avoid filibustering or over-contribution (even with the best of intentions) 00:52:04 Nick WS’ iPhone: ‘will prevail’ sounds better than ‘is paramount’ in line 81 00:52:38 Nick WS’ iPhone: but that is not a die in a ditch issue 00:53:30 vandascartezini: agree with NICk more sense in other latin languages 00:54:11 el: the link is clickable 00:55:25 el: I like documents to be readable, in good English and have good content. Not necessarily in this order :-0-O 00:57:01 Jaap Akkerhuis: Aren’t there also contracts with some ccTLDs? 00:57:27 Kim Davies: Naela will! 00:57:52 Bart Boswinkel: Indeed 00:57:55 Bart Boswinkel: Jaap 00:58:25 Bart Boswinkel: need to check if they include a arbitration or other mechanism 00:58:30 el: Jaap, yes, but very few, JP, AU and one or two others I think. Exceptions… 01:00:33 Jaap Akkerhuis: yes that would my suggestion. My wild guess is that there they won’t have a lot about arbitration 01:00:56 Jaap Akkerhuis: ;It will be corner cases … 01:11:53 el: That answers my question (how the CSC features here) 01:12:31 Kim Davies: I am not aware of anyone who has escalated through the whole procedure 01:12:43 Selina Harrington: I can’t think of anyone either 01:14:27 Jaap Akkerhuis: Thanks all, I have to drop of for my other call 01:14:59 el: we are approaching the top of the hour… 01:15:56 vandascartezini: thanks you NAela!! 01:16:22 Nigel Roberts: i have to drop off for the Board meeting now ... nice presentation Naela thanks 01:17:07 Kim Davies: Most escalations I would say are not through the form. The form is more used by people to make general complaints rather than specifically escalate an issue 01:17:42 Bart Boswinkel: @Kim: do you log those complaints? 01:18:16 Bart Boswinkel: i.e are they considered to be come item under the escalation procedure 01:18:53 Kim Davies: Everything goes into our ticketing system as Naela is reporting, then triaged. If it is a true escalation we have a specific queue for that, if it is misdirected it will go to another queue for providing general guidance. Our view is an escalation is an escalation no matter how it comes to us. For example, someone might escalate something verbally to me (at an ICANN meeting) and we’ll record it as an escalation even if the form is not used 01:20:16 vandascartezini: clear Kim good approach 01:20:34 Allan MacGillivray: certainly 01:21:17 Stephen Deerhake: +1 Bart. 01:22:02 Stephen Deerhake: Yes, thank you Naela and Kim. 01:22:16 Anna Karakhanyan: Thank you, Naela! 01:22:16 Joke Braeken: is the next meeting in 2 weeks time? 01:22:16 Naela Sarras: Thank you for giving us this time 01:22:18 vandascartezini: best wishes for happy EASTER/PASSOVER with your family even if online ! SATAY SAFE!! take care ! 01:22:19 Kimberly Carlson: thank you everyone, bye. 01:22:34 Kimberly Carlson: 22 April 0:00 UTC 01:22:40 Anna Karakhanyan: Thank you, Bart! 01:22:56 Anna Karakhanyan: Thanks to everobody! 01:22:56 Peter Koch: 23:59 aktually ;-) 01:23:00 Francis Alaneme: Happy Easter to you all..... stay safe 01:23:01 Rocío de la Fuente: Thank you all. Goodbye! 01:23:01 vandascartezini: will do.. thanks 01:23:02 Peter Koch: ^k^c 01:23:04 Selina Harrington: Thank you! 01:23:04 alireza: bye 01:23:09 Anna Karakhanyan: bye-bye 01:23:11 Sean Copeland: bye