00:11:59 Jonathan Zuck: Yeah, that certainly indicates one of the advantages of the virtual meeting or more frequent webinars. 00:12:02 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): You'd think I'd get priority for the phone bridge! :( 00:12:03 Alfredo Calderon: @Glenn, the NomCom has its’ work cutout for all of you. 00:12:03 Holly Raiche: @ Maureen - we can hear you well 00:12:16 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): It goes all spacy at times. 00:12:21 ali almeshal: hello everyone 00:12:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: dropping off several times already ... 00:12:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: SIGH 00:12:39 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: sound not that great 00:12:44 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): My computer I giving the message that my connection is unstable 00:13:01 Judith Hellerstein: sounds clear to me 00:13:26 Afia Faith: Hello everyone! 00:13:26 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Cos your connection is good Judith 00:13:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: same here but then I am also dropping... hopefully you stay connected 00:13:49 Heidi Ullrich: Today’s sessions are available at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Meetings+-+Monday%2C+09+March+2020 00:13:50 Judith Hellerstein: wow, 80 people online 00:13:55 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Even if just for the first 15 mins :) 00:14:18 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Can I have my ppt slides up please 00:14:46 Heidi Ullrich: Noted, Maureen 00:16:14 Satish Babu: Thanks Maureen :-) 00:16:16 Holly Raiche: She’s not kidding - it’s 4.30 in Sydney 00:16:47 Yesim Nazlar: ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en 00:16:57 Sarah Kiden: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Asia Pacific 00:17:13 Holly Raiche: Thanks Maureen - it was confusing having the schedule in Cancun time 00:17:32 ali almeshal: Yes the UTC helped a lot 00:18:12 Holly Raiche: Thanks Sarah 00:18:23 sergio salinas porto LACRALO: hi all 00:18:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we should always do everything in UTC and people do their own conversion...in my case UTC+11 00:18:40 Winsome Bennett: Good day everyone 00:18:44 Louie Lee: +1 Cheryl 00:18:48 davekissoondoyal: +1 Cheryl 00:20:47 Bill Jouris: Jonathan's DNS Abuse Call to Action session toady at 18:45 is not on the schedule. At least, not on the one available to me. 00:21:28 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Too many acronyms 00:21:33 Holly Raiche: @ Bill - it’s just after this session - why is it not available to you? 00:21:46 Bill Jouris: Ah, these times are UTC. Got it. Sorry 00:22:03 Heidi Ullrich: @Bill, the At-Large schedule for today is at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Meetings+-+Monday%2C+09+March+2020 00:23:57 Seun Ojedeji: Who wakes up at 3am to join a call.....wew! 00:25:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: for me it was 0100 been going nearly 5 hrs now 00:25:19 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: oh seun - it happens 00:25:50 Holly Raiche: It happens a lot in the Asia Pacific region 00:26:04 Javier Rúa-Jovet: sorry for belatedness 00:26:11 Aris Ignacio: yes it happens 00:26:27 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: @javier better late then never:0 00:26:39 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: :) 00:26:53 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: Hi Aris 00:27:25 Javier Rúa-Jovet: when not physically away, day job remains almost inescapable 00:28:03 davekissoondoyal: Joining a virtual meeting has always been a challenge for many of us especially when we come from the different parts of the world and when we have to attend at odd hours. So thanks to all of us 00:28:38 Holly Raiche: @ David - so true 00:28:56 Alfredo Calderon: @Javier, I can attest to that. I have been receiving calls all morning and still waiting on a couple more. 00:29:44 Roberto: @ David - but it is also an opportunity. Sometimes we just cannot join a physical meeting and the online alternative is far better than nothing 00:30:37 davekissoondoyal: @Roberto you are 100% right 00:30:38 Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary): +1 Roberto. Great first experience! 00:30:53 Matthias M. Hudobnik: it is like a normal call :-P 00:31:28 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @jonathan Are you rowing your kayak as you speak? 00:31:41 Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary): But with much more attendances @Matthias-) Happy to meet all of you here 00:31:55 Seun Ojedeji: @Cheryl wow!!!! thats why you are supper woman! i don't think my body will comply to wake up even if my spirit was willing :-) 00:32:01 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: 122 participants great 00:32:12 Matthias M. Hudobnik: indeed natalia :-) 00:32:54 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: For the newbies. see this page to join ATLARGE 00:32:55 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: https://atlarge.icann.org/get-involved/join-us 00:33:07 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): @Matthias.. True.. this online call for us is just business as usual.. 00:33:34 yrjolansipuro: Sometimes it takes a crisis to implement an immovatiom 00:33:42 yrjolansipuro: innovation 00:33:44 David Olive: Welcome ALL 00:34:12 Joanna Kulesza: @all do note all of these are subject to AtLarge weekly policy calls plus the CPWG mailing list https://atlarge.icann.org/working_groups/consolidated-policy-working-group-cpwg 00:35:02 Joanna Kulesza: Your voice on specific policy issues is more than welcome 00:35:02 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: yes, a crisis motivates action 00:35:47 Filina Natalia (Euralo Secretary): @Maureen but maybe more attractive and can be more understandable for newcomers and future members too 00:36:06 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: I don't see any real details from ETHOS on the selection process for the stewardship council 00:36:59 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: more info today https://www.keypointsabout.org/blog/binding-org-and-the-community-together 00:37:35 Joanna Kulesza: You can access JZ's presentation here: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/124847126/ICANN67Talkers.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1583768062000&api=v2 00:37:47 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): @Natalia.. yes I guess the content is a little different to focus on and hopefully attract people who are new to our work. 00:39:31 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: yes, Brian C of PIR legal counsel last week provided details on the excellent work by PIR on DNS abuse 00:39:35 Holly Raiche: +1 JZ 00:40:01 Sebastien Bachollet Euralo: @JonathanZ a seat for At-Large (not only ALAC) 00:40:13 Barrack Otieno: @Glenn, i missed the info is it on the PIR Website? 00:40:23 davekissoondoyal: +1 JZ 00:40:32 Herb Waye Ombudsman: Need to step away for 15 minutes 00:40:35 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: https://www.keypointsabout.org 00:40:58 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: Barack the links are on the his page for the public sessions 00:41:03 Heidi Ullrich: ICANN Public Forum session info: https://67.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1152519 00:41:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: dropped and back again ( obviously) 00:41:26 Barrack Otieno: Thanks @Glenn 00:41:31 Holly Raiche: There is a great article in Circle ID about Kathy’s talk in WashingtonDC 00:41:34 christina.rodriguez: Reminder: If you would like to ask a question or make a comment in English, please type it in the chat by starting and ending your sentence with or (please keep them short). French questions will be translated into English and read aloud, during the session, by the Remote Participation Manager. 00:41:55 christina.rodriguez: Rappel: Si vous souhaitez poser une question ou faire un commentaire en français, veuillez le taper dans le chat en commençant et en terminant votre phrase par: ou (veuillez faire des commentaires brefs seulement). Les questions posées en français seront traduites en anglais et lues à haute voix par le responsable de la participation à distance. --- Recordatorio: Si desea hacer una pregunta o compartir un comentario en español, por favor escribalo en el chat incluyendo o antes y después de su comentario o pregunta (por favor sea breve). Las preguntas y los comentarios en español serán traducidos al inglés y leídos durante la sesión por la persona a cargo de Participación Remota. 00:41:56 Heidi Ullrich: At-Large Policy Statements: https://atlarge.icann.org/policy-summary - for more information on source of Talking Points. 00:45:14 Holly Raiche: Great point - better an open Board 00:45:41 Holly Raiche: Can we make that a policy issue for the CPWG? 00:45:47 Jonathan Zuck: Yes 00:47:38 Alfredo Calderon: CPWG = Consolidated Policy Working Group 00:47:42 Holly Raiche: @ JZ et all - check the Circle ID article - that has the speech by a lawyer talking about these issuee 00:48:49 Joanna Kulesza: @Holly this one you mean: http://www.circleid.com/posts/20200224_legal_enforceability_of_pic_proposed_by_ethos_for_dot_org/ ? 00:48:56 Holly Raiche: Maybe ask Compliance about enforcement of PICs 00:49:11 Holly Raiche: @ JK - yes 00:51:34 Javier Rúa-Jovet: thx @joanna 00:51:43 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Some info about what B corps are: https://www.startups.com/library/expert-advice/what-is-a-b-corp 00:52:33 Javier Rúa-Jovet: B Corp is the preferred public interest corporate form. 00:52:37 davekissoondoyal: +1 Joanna 00:53:30 Holly Raiche: Not fair - we love your slides! 00:53:41 Joanna Kulesza: +1 - great slides!:) 00:54:11 christina.rodriguez: Rappel: Si vous souhaitez poser une question ou faire un commentaire en français, veuillez le taper dans le chat en commençant et en terminant votre phrase par: ou (veuillez faire des commentaires brefs seulement). Les questions posées en français seront traduites en anglais et lues à haute voix par le responsable de la participation à distance. --- Recordatorio: Si desea hacer una pregunta o compartir un comentario en español, por favor escribalo en el chat incluyendo o antes y después de su comentario o pregunta (por favor sea breve). Las preguntas y los comentarios en español serán traducidos al inglés y leídos durante la sesión por la persona a cargo de Participación Remota. 00:55:27 Heidi Ullrich: @All, time check - this session has 17 mins remaining. We cannot run over. 00:55:46 Herb Waye Ombudsman: back 00:56:01 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Hi Herb 00:57:20 mscade: hi 00:57:35 Joanna Kulesza: re: SubPro, again - this is just a recap of where we stand right now, not a final AtLarge position. There was a SubPro special CPWG call earlier this month. All are welcome to join this discussion. 00:58:00 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): @ Marilyn.. Great to see you 00:58:04 Holly Raiche: By way of explanation - in contract law, the only people who can enforce a contract are the parties to the contract - and users are not signatories to the contract 00:59:38 Joanna Kulesza: @Holly some argue contractual compliance is all we have in IG : https://global.oup.com/academic/product/internet-governance-by-contract-9780199687343?cc=us&lang=en& #NotAPlug Trying to say we might need to be creative here 01:00:13 Holly Raiche: We absolutely need to be creative - 01:00:24 Nadira Al Araj: PICs is the area that of at-large highly engaged 01:00:26 Javier Rúa-Jovet: I guess an adjudicative body or a court enforces, contract parties have the standing to bring the action... 01:00:29 Heidi Ullrich: @All, Time check - 12 mins remaining and one item on the Policy Platform remaining - with two slide decks. 01:00:34 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): But as a user organisation, we can advise ICANN and its Board to include PICs into any future contracts - as the ALAC has already suggested to the Board 01:01:21 Holly Raiche: @ Javier - correct. Under the dispute resolution process being talked about, a person harmed has standing - but the issue - how to prove harm in those circumstances 01:01:23 Joanna Kulesza: @Heidi - 16 slides - 0,5 min per slide - we got this covered ;) 01:03:19 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Joanna! :) 01:03:19 Holly Raiche: silence?? 01:03:36 Marita Moll: Maureen had her hand up 01:05:04 Joanna Kulesza: emphasis on "wherever possible" 01:06:06 Chokri ben romdhane: hi all 01:06:22 Joanna Kulesza: hi Chokri 01:07:52 Chokri ben romdhane: hi Joanna nice to be in touch with you 01:10:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the 1st SubPro session is ending shortly so do watch for the next 2 tomorrow and Thursday 01:11:09 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): This session is winding up now... 01:12:17 Heidi Ullrich: We can try to include the Policy Platforms to the wrap up on Thursday 01:12:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye ... backnin 12 mins 01:12:29 John More: excellent 01:12:33 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, All 01:12:37 Heidi Ullrich: Next call - 15 mins 01:12:38 Joanna Kulesza: No worries, I'm certain we'll find the opportunity to talk PP. 01:12:39 Seun Ojedeji: thanks a lot and bye for no 01:12:40 davekissoondoyal: thanks and bye to all 01:12:41 Winsome Bennett: ok 01:12:43 Seun Ojedeji: now* 01:12:43 Roberto: bye 01:12:43 nigel hickson: thank you 01:12:44 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Thanks everyone.. 01:12:46 Winsome Bennett: Bye 01:12:48 Natalie Rose: Bye 01:12:49 Louie Lee: Thank you! 01:12:49 Jaewon Son : thank you! 01:12:50 silvia.vivanco: Thank you all 01:12:50 KEOLEBOGILE Rantsetse: Great session, though many abbreviations. such an eye opener 01:12:53 Glenn McKnight, Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities: Bye 01:12:54 David Taylor: Thanks Jonathan 01:12:56 Yesim Nazlar: Thank you all for your participation. This meeting is now ended.