09:51:41 From Kimberly Carlson : Hi Kaili, welcome 09:58:29 From James Gannon : hi all 09:58:48 From Peter Koch : Hi, I’m sitting at the airport, limited ability to speak this time (consider that a feature, pls :-) 09:59:29 From Steve Conte : laugh 09:59:29 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : I’m also in an airport (Brussels) 09:59:41 From James Gannon : Im in an airport hotel if that counts =) 09:59:51 From Peter Koch : and apologies, need to leave at ‘55 10:00:14 From Peter Koch : hotel counts, of course! 10:00:37 From Amy Creamer : If you are talking Fred/Tomslin, we cannot hear you 10:05:10 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : I like it earlier 10:05:11 From Rick Wilhelm (Verisign) : I have a conflict with DAAR… but will just manage through it 10:05:17 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : Much better in Europe :) 10:05:28 From Amy Creamer : We will record the meeting, and can invite Sam back to future Plenary Calls. 10:05:36 From James Gannon : Should be fine for me 10:06:38 From James Gannon : As a first run I think it looks good to me 10:14:15 From J.C. Vignes (Uniregistry) : Same conflict as Rick unfortunately 10:14:58 From James Gannon : Nothing beyond it being a fantastic resource for us 10:15:04 From Peter Koch : thanks! 10:15:59 From Steve Conte : if we intend to individually add comments/findings/etc, we should preface our input with our initials: so we know who gave input 10:16:12 From James Gannon : I think just dividing it amongst the IFRT members equally or by preference would work? 10:16:26 From Steve Conte : there is no track changes in excel/google sheets 10:17:37 From Amy Creamer : Yes/ 10:17:39 From James Gannon : Just add a column for responsible member, people can then sign up and anything left can be done by FIAT by the leadership 10:19:21 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : Any deadline? 10:19:23 From Kimberly Carlson : Google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liYwq83mQa9rRkuPwqt7ZoUDVtN-yT_c/edit#gid=1621245865 10:19:37 From James Gannon : I would say within a week is fair 10:19:44 From Steve Conte : As ICANN’s liaison, I feel it may be seen as a COI if I volunteered or any specific item solo, but would be happy to co-volunteer for any item as long as there’s a voting team member on that item with me 10:19:45 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : Sounds good 10:19:55 From James Gannon : Same deal for me as Steve 10:20:16 From Steve Conte : ok, still happy to help as I can 10:20:21 From James Gannon : same 10:26:41 From Peter Koch : the IFRT identifying difficulty to measure/assess .INT handling/performance would already be a result/finding 10:30:43 From James Gannon : And our finding could be as simple as we reached out and received no negative feedback 10:30:51 From Peter Koch : approaching all registrants is probably a bit too much 10:31:16 From Peter Koch : OK, let’s get numbers and then we see 10:32:20 From James Gannon : As a thought WIPO would likely respond to a query given their interactions at ICANN so they might a good target, or UN via Chengetai 10:36:10 From Kimberly Carlson : Questions Tomslin circulated: 10:36:13 From Kimberly Carlson : In your own words, describe how you feel about PTI. How can PTI improve your experience with regards to the services they provide to you? What's working for you and why? How can PTI do better? Do you have any additional comments or feedback? 10:37:01 From Amy Creamer : THANK YOU KIM! 10:37:55 From Steve Conte : suggest: What type of interaction(s) do you have with PTI 10:38:14 From James Gannon : Personally Im not convinced of the need for such outreach in this style rather than directed questions related to specific sections of the contract 10:38:14 From Steve Conte : this will allow us to understand where to slot the input to the proper part in the contract 10:38:21 From Peter Koch : shouldn’t the questions be constrained to contributions relevant to the contract? 10:39:02 From Peter Koch : I’d be interested in issues that are specifically not covered by CSC oversight 10:39:07 From USERA : specific questions work better with respondents 10:39:42 From Peter Koch : that means: thing that are not SLA issues 10:41:51 From Amy Creamer : Thank you James, I can inquire about what expert service might be available regarding surveys 10:42:30 From James Gannon : It was one of the teams that assisted with the ICANN Diversity Survey but I can’t remember who it sat under org wise 10:42:59 From Amy Creamer : Thanks! 10:44:13 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : I will report back to RrSG 10:44:19 From Rick Wilhelm (Verisign) : likely to the RySG… but not likely to the GNSO Council 10:44:37 From James Gannon : As a councillor Im sure I will be asked 10:45:10 From James Gannon : Yeah ccNSO has the art of reporting down to perfection 10:46:32 From James Gannon : Yes 10:46:38 From James Gannon : As the questions may be related 10:46:41 From fneves : Thanks Rick and James for the feedback. 10:47:09 From James Gannon : The owner of the line should define the question set 10:48:03 From James Gannon : Precisely, line item owner has missing data or wants more, then the expert helps us frame the quesiton 10:49:17 From James Gannon : I have a stop at 1800 UTC unfortunately. 10:49:46 From Kimberly Carlson : I have on the agenda 25 March for the special meeting with ICANN legal, should be 25 February 10:50:16 From Amy Creamer : Thanks Kim. 10:51:34 From Kimberly Carlson : Yes, the invite was sent 10:51:58 From Peter Koch : apologies, need to leave now (1752 UTC) 10:53:42 From James Gannon : Sounds good t me 10:55:41 From James Gannon : Ok speak to everyone next week then! Thanks all. 10:55:52 From USERA : thanks 10:56:11 From Kaili Kan : Bye!