09:57:42 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : Hi 09:59:36 From Danko Jevtovic : hi 10:00:08 From Kaili Kan : Hello! 10:00:19 From fneves : Hello 10:00:49 From Amy Creamer : I’m going to say yes to another minute 10:01:02 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks Amy 10:03:42 From Kimberly Carlson : Hello and welcome to today’s IFRT teleconference on 4 February at 17:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. Apologies have been received from Jean-Christophe Vignes and Peter Koch – James Gannon is on audio only. As a reminder calls are recorded and recordings will be posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/wwqJBw Also, please remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise. 10:06:59 From Danko Jevtovic : I will probably skip the next call - skiing ;) 10:15:43 From Kimberly Carlson : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liYwq83mQa9rRkuPwqt7ZoUDVtN-yT_c/edit#gid=1621245865 - spreadsheet 10:16:18 From Kimberly Carlson : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K_W9eRIkjdWnnWU_-DrRwrOsKadRnSOobP0wNCVGWUk/edit - Original contract w/ URLs 10:19:30 From Kimberly Carlson : James is also an apology - connectivity issues 10:31:38 From kim.davies : Correct 10:33:14 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : I’m also involved 10:33:43 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : There is an echo 10:33:48 From Amy Creamer : Kim are you talking? 10:33:56 From Amy Creamer : We’re hearing an echo 10:34:31 From kim.davies : ill write my message here 10:34:35 From kim.davies : i dont know why it is echoing 10:34:47 From kim.davies : I was just going to clarify SOC2 versus SOC3 10:34:56 From kim.davies : SOC3 only covers DNSSEC and that is the section we were reviewing pertains to 10:35:09 From kim.davies : that said, SOC2 does cover the lifecycle of our root zone management sytem and therefore should be reviewing in that context 10:35:14 From kim.davies : thats all 10:37:23 From USERA : echoing could be caused by a sspeaker close to the microphone you are speaking to. this could be a mobile device with a speaker or your headphones. 10:41:27 From Rick Wilhelm (Verisign) : +1 to paf’s suggestion 10:41:52 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : +1 10:45:57 From kim.davies : thanks everyone 10:46:07 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : Thank you 10:46:11 From Danko Jevtovic : +1 thanks *.* 10:46:11 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks all, bye 10:46:20 From USERA : Thanks