09:54:48 From Kimberly Carlson : Hi Fred, welcome 09:55:02 From Steve Conte : Greetings 09:55:34 From Kimberly Carlson : Hi Steve 09:55:42 From fneves : Hi Kim, Hi Steve! 10:01:02 From James Gannon : Hey everyone just coming off another call will join in 2 mins 10:02:13 From James Gannon : Ok here now hi everyone 10:04:17 From James Gannon : Welcome other Steve 10:05:21 From Steve Conte : based on the staggered cadence of the meeting, I support 90m calls 10:05:25 From Kristian Ørmen : I have no problem with 90 min. 10:05:29 From Kristian Ørmen : Let’s get some work done 10:06:56 From James Gannon : Thanks for that Amy that matches my understanding/expectation from last week 10:09:38 From Amy Creamer : The Review Team agreed, in a discussion lead by Peter Koch, that this statement is anethical guideline and not a statement that the Review Member is the authorizedspeaker to speak in the name of their appointing organization. Each AppointingOrganization has a process for decision making which will be followed if necessary in relation to the IFR 10:09:48 From Amy Creamer : Is what I added to the meeting notes 10:10:22 From Amy Creamer : I will repeat it in this weeks meeting notes as well, and reference it on the wiki page for the rules of engagement 10:13:16 From James Gannon : Operating procedures 10:14:09 From James Gannon : Sorry thanks Amy for finding the right document 10:15:22 From James Gannon : Nice work 10:23:54 From Peter Koch : “PTI and ICANN SMEs” is ambiguous: is that PTI/ICANN staff or people with expertise on PTI/ICANN? 10:25:43 From Amy Creamer : Yes, James is correct 10:25:47 From kim.davies : Correct, there are seperate contracts for Names, Numbers and Protocol Parameters 10:25:50 From Amy Creamer : There are several other contracts for other funcitons 10:26:05 From kim.davies : https://pti.icann.org/agreements 10:26:38 From James Gannon : Sorry for that bombshell =) 10:27:54 From Steve Conte : maybe include “(community and/or staff)” 10:28:04 From James Gannon : +1 10:28:25 From James Gannon : Amys wording is good 10:28:58 From James Gannon : Makes sense 10:33:16 From James Gannon : Yup on the same page as Peter. 10:33:33 From Amy Creamer : Does anyone have suggested wording? 10:33:34 From James Gannon : “Fully covered through review team analysis” 10:34:21 From Amy Creamer : changed - thanks James 10:34:28 From James Gannon : Yes exactly Peter 10:39:17 From James Gannon : “ICANNs stewardship of the IANA functions” 10:42:20 From James Gannon : Yup its correct 10:43:28 From James Gannon : For g, I would suggest a review of complaints and escalations to IANA to evaluate if there are any systemic and/or recurring issues. 10:43:37 From James Gannon : (There are none but that fits) 10:44:03 From Peter Koch : … and consider input from our respective copmnmunities 10:44:49 From Unguec Stephen : I agree with James and Peter 10:45:02 From James Gannon : Sure 10:46:32 From James Gannon : Yeah my 2c is the webinars are usually low value but happy to go with the group 10:48:21 From James Gannon : I think we can copy the new text from H into I aswell 10:48:34 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar : agreed 10:49:11 From James Gannon : Yup 10:49:17 From Kristian Ørmen : jep 10:49:23 From James Gannon : Making your life easier 10:51:19 From James Gannon : Can we continue to review this offline? 10:51:57 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar : yes, I think we should 10:52:21 From James Gannon : Its easy work to do on the google doc 10:53:13 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar : yes 10:53:33 From USERA : what is the meaning of review offline? 10:54:23 From James Gannon : To continue to make suggestions on the wording of the document between this meeting and the next meeting 10:55:41 From USERA : Understood 10:57:00 From Kristian Ørmen : Can you briefly explain what IANA basic training would include? 10:57:29 From Rick Wilhelm (Verisign) : 24th preferable for me 10:57:33 From Kaili Kan : either time for me is fine. 10:58:30 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar : 20th is best for me, but if there are more people for 24th, I can watch the recording 10:58:43 From Kristian Ørmen : Thanks. Being in this review i would definitely listen in either in live or just the recording 10:59:00 From James Gannon : No preference here I can do either 10:59:25 From USERA : 24th is better for me 11:00:31 From Kristian Ørmen : 24th is also better for me 11:01:00 From James Gannon : Im sure we can survive without Amy having to do 3am authorisations =) 11:01:23 From Stephen Unguec : I can do either 11:01:44 From kim.davies : 20th is a public holiday here so I wont be sad if its the 24th 11:01:47 From Christian Dawson : 24th works 11:02:04 From James Gannon : 24th it is then 11:02:18 From James Gannon : Thanks all 11:02:41 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar : thanks all 11:02:44 From Kristian Ørmen : Thank you