13:55:28 From Joke Braeken : hi all, welcome! 14:00:01 From Ivy Contreras Gt : Hello everyone! 14:00:10 From Adriana Lazzaroni : Hello everyone 14:00:22 From Lianna Galstyan : Hi 14:01:37 From Ria Otanes : Welcome to the IGLC Meeting on 22 January 2020 at 13:00 UTC 14:01:42 From Ria Otanes : We will get started shortly 14:01:43 From aca (.tr) : hi, this is cemil from turkey 14:01:59 From Ria Otanes : Hi Cemil, welcome 14:12:59 From Laura Margolis : I totally agree with you ADriana 14:14:50 From Lianna Galstyan : agree 14:17:00 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : help Adriana. Is that an old or a new hand? 14:17:09 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : old one 14:17:12 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : hello! not help :) 14:17:29 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : ok. please take it down in that case 14:17:36 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : Is my hand still up? 14:17:41 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : it is 14:18:07 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : goodness 14:18:24 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : interesting :) 14:18:29 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : I cannot get rid of it 14:18:32 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : simply click again on the hand 14:18:43 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : done :) 14:18:44 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : ok 14:18:47 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it to Joke Braeken (Privately) : sorry 14:20:10 From Joke Braeken to Adriana Lazzaroni .it (Privately) : nessun problema. Grazie! 14:28:36 From Lianna Galstyan : nice feedback 14:38:12 From Laura Margolis : i think that too Lianna 14:41:08 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : No thanks 14:41:11 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : was late sorry :) 14:44:16 From Ria Otanes : IGLC (11 responses) http://bit.ly/IGLCresults 14:44:24 From Ria Otanes : Broader community (28 responses) https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-6WZM9YPS7/ 14:53:15 From Joke Braeken to Lianna Galstyan (Privately) : hello Lianna, in my previous role i was working for the .eu ccTLD. hence the mix-up between European Union and Europe 14:53:46 From Lianna Galstyan to Joke Braeken (Privately) : quite understandable, no worries:) 14:53:59 From Lianna Galstyan to Joke Braeken (Privately) : I cla 14:54:11 From Lianna Galstyan to Joke Braeken (Privately) : I raised it for the sake of clarity 14:56:23 From Ivy Contreras Gt : I think we should close the survey, work on this results and do another survey next year. 14:57:07 From Lianna Galstyan : reopen 14:57:24 From Ivy Contreras Gt : This results should be presented at Cancun 15:03:04 From Joke Braeken to bonis (Privately) : time check Pierre: we are running over 15:03:47 From Lianna Galstyan : :) 15:05:50 From Lianna Galstyan : I won’t be available for that date, sorry 15:06:08 From Joke Braeken : we could have a 90 min meeting Pierre, if this is needed 15:06:26 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it : Yes I agree 15:06:39 From Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) : Works for me 15:07:11 From Lianna Galstyan : ok 15:07:15 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it : ok 15:07:40 From Adriana Lazzaroni .it : Happy new year to all of you 15:07:48 From Sean Copeland : Bye