10:01:33 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s ccPDP on retirement working group call on 23 January at 17:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. No apologies have been received. As a reminder all calls will be transcribed and recording; transcript/recording will be posted on the public wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/85czBw Additionally, please mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise. 10:03:35 From Nenad Orlić : hi everyone 10:03:49 From ppoblete : Hello everyone 10:05:44 From Kimberly Carlson : Webinar slides can be found here: https://community.icann.org/x/bAuJBw 10:05:53 From Kimberly Carlson : I will post the recording as it becomes available 10:06:16 From Nick WS’ iPhone : sorry to join a bit late 10:06:44 From Joke Braeken : Hi Kim, thank you. the recording and slides are available here. Recording: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Webinars 10:08:42 From Kimberly Carlson : The recording and slides are now posted on the PDP3 RM wiki here: https://community.icann.org/x/bAuJBw 10:09:19 From Joke Braeken : thanks! 10:12:30 From Stephen Deerhake : Thanks for the links! 10:13:41 From Kimberly Carlson : You’re welcome 10:23:43 From Stephen Deerhake : UUNET... 10:26:52 From Nenad Orlić : This disscusion just broght my thoughts back to point vii: - what if code is reassigned to SAME country again. It is not that much of scifi for country to rename and gate name back in 10years 10:29:50 From ppoblete : Do we really need case xii ?? 10:31:24 From Nenad Orlić : yes 10:31:32 From Naela Sarras : xii is dealt with in policy. 10:31:43 From ppoblete : I don’t see it as a corner case 10:31:48 From Nenad Orlić : i think there is no problematic situation in any type of this scenario 10:32:23 From Nenad Orlić : old 10:33:53 From Nenad Orlić : this is before triger event 10:34:40 From Joke Braeken : i cannot hear Bernard 10:34:44 From Nenad Orlić : helium? 10:34:45 From Nenad Orlić : :) 10:34:57 From ppoblete : Doesn’t sound like Bernard at all 10:36:26 From Bernard Turcotte : will drop off and c ome back in 10:36:37 From brent carey : isn’t that a decision for them? how/should we influence that? 10:37:03 From brent carey : agree make their own rules follow their own processes 10:38:02 From Nenad Orlić : we are stress-testing situations arising from the policy or during events of domain retirement 10:38:17 From Nenad Orlić : this is before that, at that moment policy is not active so there is no way to deal with this 10:39:04 From Nenad Orlić : so i vote for removal of this point too :) 10:41:47 From Bernard Turcotte : back 10:51:16 From Eberhard Lisse : I though the colder it gets the fatster the wires get :-)-O 10:52:28 From Eberhard Lisse : Defer, please 10:52:51 From Naela Sarras : yes let us defer thank you for asking 10:54:26 From Eberhard Lisse : I am more for language and put the tables into the Annex 10:54:48 From Joke Braeken : bye all. I will drop off now 10:56:08 From Eberhard Lisse : you need to go! 10:56:15 From Kimberly Carlson : Next call is 6 February at 2300 UTC 10:56:25 From Kimberly Carlson : Then 20th at 0500 UTC 10:57:10 From Bernard Turcotte : bye all 10:57:14 From Naela Sarras : Thanks all 10:57:15 From Jaap Akkerhuis : bye all! 10:57:16 From Allan MacGillivray : Bye all. 10:57:17 From Kristina Hakobyan to Kimberly Carlson (Privately) : thanks, bye) 10:57:20 From brent carey : enjoy council and bye all 10:57:23 From Nenad Orlić : bye 10:57:24 From Sean Copeland : bye 10:57:27 From ppoblete : Bye! 10:57:28 From Kristina Hakobyan : bye