08:54:53 From Adriana Lazzaroni : hello everyone 08:56:01 From Ria Otanes : hello, welcome! 08:56:08 From Joke Braeken : hello Adriana and Sean! 08:56:43 From Sean Copeland : Good morning everyone! 09:00:40 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Hello everyone! 09:00:58 From LAC Training 2 : hello!! 09:01:15 From pierre bonis : hello all 09:01:23 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone. Welcome 09:01:49 From pierre bonis : not hearing anyone. 09:02:04 From Joke Braeken : Pierre, i think you have not yet connected your audio 09:02:07 From Ria Otanes : hi Pierre - you’ve not connected your audio yet 09:02:30 From Joke Braeken : click on the little triangle, next to the mute button to connect your audio 09:04:19 From Laura Margolis : sorry it was me! 09:04:25 From Laura Margolis : with another user 09:04:34 From Joke Braeken : if you would like to follow the live note taking, go to here 09:05:07 From Joke Braeken : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ocrOrwbnItmQa3sZP8abQFoKXWunS9jm41BxE694rUA/edit?usp=sharing 09:05:29 From Ria Otanes : Briefing paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IAsO3jQgEpWV0AhEpM1IJtsUorY54Q3_03Dg4dcYoR8/edit#heading=h.djy7g0om5um3 09:16:06 From Laura Margolis : he is part of this group too 09:16:25 From Laura Margolis : no, my pleasure! 09:23:21 From Laura Margolis : everything fine! 09:24:58 From Laura Margolis : I agree with that, its a good idea 09:25:16 From Adriana Lazzaroni : I think it would be very useful and interesting 09:25:24 From Ivy Contreras .gt : At what time would that be? 09:25:46 From Joke Braeken : ICANN66 | Wed, 6 Nov. 2019 (15:15-16:45) | Panel discussion during ccNSO Members Meeting 09:26:20 From Adriana Lazzaroni : I absolute agree with you Pierre 09:26:52 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Yes, thank you 09:28:35 From Laura Margolis : so who is that famous lady? 09:29:14 From Joke Braeken : Mandy Carver 09:29:38 From Joke Braeken : https://www.icann.org/profiles/162 09:30:08 From Laura Margolis : thank you! 09:38:31 From Adriana Lazzaroni : Ok for me as well 09:38:43 From Laura Margolis : ok for me too 09:39:36 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Ok 09:44:13 From Adriana Lazzaroni : Thank you to you Pierre 09:44:42 From Adriana Lazzaroni : stay tuned!! 09:44:49 From Adriana Lazzaroni : Bye bye and thank you 09:44:52 From Laura Margolis : byeee 09:44:54 From Sean Copeland : bye 09:45:07 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Goodbye