08:55:35 From joke.braeken : hello Laura 08:55:37 From joke.braeken : Please use this Zoom room link instead: https://icann.zoom.us/j/695427298 Apologies for the last minute room change. 08:56:53 From Laura Margolis : hello! ok 08:57:28 From joke.braeken : or… seems like i accidentally was in the correct room 08:57:44 From joke.braeken : i think i added to the confusion. Sorry Laura 08:57:49 From Laura Margolis : haha i thought the same 08:57:56 From Laura Margolis : its ok 08:58:06 From Laura Margolis : i was in the other one before, then changed to the new one 08:58:50 From Ria Otanes : thanks, Laura, and welcome! 08:58:56 From joke.braeken : Souleymane got lost however 08:59:47 From Ria Otanes : she was in the right room 09:00:11 From Laura Margolis : its ok! 09:00:12 From joke.braeken : Sorry about that Ria. and hello all! 09:00:28 From Laura Margolis : good morning for everyone 09:00:55 From bart.boswinkel : Good morning/afternoon / evening 09:01:09 From Ria Otanes : Hello everyone! Welcome to the IGLC Teleconference on 11 September at 13:00 UTC 09:35:25 From souleymane : bye