08:49:29 From joke.braeken : hello Souleymane! 08:49:37 From joke.braeken : and hi again Ria 08:51:09 From Ria Otanes : hi Joke! 09:00:00 From Ria Otanes : Welcome to the IGLC Teleconference on 24 July 2019 at 13:00 UTC 09:00:30 From Lianna Galstyan : Hi everyone 09:00:34 From bart.boswinkel : Hi All 09:00:50 From bonis : hi all. 09:01:38 From joke.braeken : Hello all, To follow the note-taking during today’s meeting, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M3envSdkEAtYzG_DEWpERSNqZj6MumUKTLwic34momQ/edit?usp=sharing 09:01:43 From bart.boswinkel : and the number is increasing:-) 09:02:44 From joke.braeken : all documents displayed during this call are displayed on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/24+July+2019+%7C+13+UTC 09:02:54 From Laura Margolis : hello! 09:05:01 From Lianna Galstyan : welcome to all new members! 09:07:49 From joke.braeken to Ria Otanes (Privately) : oh dear! that happens 09:12:58 From bart.boswinkel : we will 09:14:41 From Young-eum PC : There is a website, but the site is mostly in Korean, unfortunately. 09:15:31 From Young-eum PC : http://www.krigf.kr/ 09:16:59 From souleymane : IGF In Ouagadougou ( burkina faso), and benin(Cotonu) ( October and August ) 09:17:28 From joke.braeken : Ria, could you scroll down a bit? 09:17:41 From joke.braeken : thanks! 09:18:32 From Laura Margolis : yes 09:18:51 From Young-eum PC : I just filled the form for the KrIGF 09:19:34 From joke.braeken : thank you Young-eum 09:22:13 From Lianna Galstyan : I will be 09:23:46 From Lianna Galstyan : :) 09:23:52 From Laura Margolis : thank you ! 09:24:01 From Young-eum PC : :) 09:36:26 From Young-eum PC : No problem for me. This time is very convenient for me. 09:37:15 From Laura Margolis : we can make the call from the beach :) 09:37:52 From Laura Margolis : :) :) 09:38:27 From Young-eum PC : Noon is much better for me 09:38:58 From Laura Margolis : 16:00 UTC works ok for me 09:38:58 From Sean Copeland : I will adjust to the majority 09:38:59 From Young-eum PC : definitely difficult. 16:00 utc 09:39:03 From Lianna Galstyan : I might be traveling on 28 Aug so not commenting now. 09:39:32 From Sean Copeland : :) 09:39:56 From Laura Margolis : 13:00 UTC will be ok 09:39:56 From Young-eum PC : 13:00 utc also works for me 09:39:57 From Sean Copeland : yes 09:40:06 From souleymane : Ok for me 09:40:12 From Maša Drofenik : it works perfectly for me 09:42:30 From Mary Uduma : Hello All, I am sorry for coming late. Currently organising WASIG in The Gambia 09:43:07 From Lianna Galstyan : yes fine 09:44:04 From Mustafa Sheik : good idea inviting RO 09:45:59 From joke.braeken : hello Mary, We will share the recording and the notes of today’s meeting on the mailing list 09:46:49 From Mary Uduma : Thank you very much Joke. 09:47:55 From Lianna Galstyan : thanks all and enjoy the summer:) 09:47:57 From Young-eum PC : Thanks everyone! 09:48:22 From souleymane : bye 09:48:25 From Laura Margolis : thank you! and happy holidays 09:48:29 From Laura Margolis : bye!