11:45:46 From Ria Otanes : Welcome to the IGLC call on 31 May at 16:00 UTC 11:58:17 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Hello everyone! I'm Ivy from .gt 11:58:52 From Ria Otanes : hi Ivy, welcome 12:00:24 From Laura Margolis : hello! 12:00:28 From ISOC Armenia : Greetings from Armenia. 12:00:40 From Joke Braeken : hello all! welcome! 12:00:47 From bonis : Hi all 12:01:56 From Joke Braeken : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e9k3LijyElz1WMYkcXJZPg76cG1VtPhJeC4Ua-D-jeI/edit?usp=sharing 12:02:07 From Joke Braeken : in case you would like to follow the live note-taking 12:05:20 From Joke Braeken : https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/minutes-ccnso-council-24oct18-en.pdf 12:05:28 From Joke Braeken : these are the minutes Bart referred to 12:05:33 From Joke Braeken : item 14 on the agenda 12:08:34 From Joke Braeken : old hand 12:11:10 From Eduardo Santoyo : Agree on June 14 call 12:15:40 From Eduardo Santoyo : I cant hear 12:15:47 From Lianna Galstyan : Internationalized Domain Names 12:28:41 From Joke Braeken : * Local content topics as IGF related topics at the heart of some of the members * IDNS * Regulatory topics at national and regional level * Technical topics, responsibility about awareness raising regarding DoH, IPv6, DNSSEC * Digital divide, at global level (north-south), local level (rich, poor, underserved etc) * Cybersecurity * Role of the ccTLDs as promoters of the IGF dialogues 12:29:09 From Lianna Galstyan : The regulatory topics are also very important from our perspective 12:32:19 From Laura Margolis : Great comments Pierre 12:32:53 From Young-eum PC : Agree with Pierre as well. 12:33:33 From Joke Braeken : Q2. How to increase participation and input of ccTLDs in IG-related discussions and processes? 12:34:14 From Laura Margolis : Agree 12:34:15 From Lianna Galstyan : fine 12:35:25 From Young-eum PC : Seems everyone agrees 12:36:00 From bart.boswinkel : and no no’s 12:39:50 From Laura Margolis : Excellent Eduardo, I support your idea 12:40:04 From bonis : that would mean extending the questions we are asking ourselves to the broader ccnso community through a survey for exemple Edouardo? 12:41:17 From Eduardo Santoyo : Yes Bonis coud be doing a survey 12:42:16 From Joke Braeken : here you can subscribe to the monthly ccNSO newsletter, or consult the archive: https://community.icann.org/display/ccnsowkspc/ccNSO+Newsletter 12:43:53 From Lianna Galstyan : Thank you 12:44:54 From Lianna Galstyan : that's a great idea 12:45:10 From Young-eum PC : Roundtable is definitely a great idea 12:47:07 From Eduardo Santoyo : Sorry friends.. I have to leave the call .. have a nice weekend 12:47:37 From bonis : Bye Eduardo and thank you for your input ! 12:48:35 From bonis : thank you all for this very healthy and constructive discussion. 12:49:08 From bonis : not sure it's usefull to go though it now 12:50:43 From Young-eum PC : thanks everyone 12:50:43 From bonis : thank you all !! 12:50:49 From Laura Margolis : thank you! Have a great weekend! 12:50:50 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Bya!! 12:50:53 From Ivy Contreras .gt : Bye!