• Category:  ccTLDs
  • Topic:  Delegation Of .CW (CURACAO) And Transitional Arrangements For Netherlands Antilles (.AN)
  • Board meeting date: 11 October 2011
  • Resolution number: 2011.10.11.03, 2011.10.11.04, 2011.10.11.05, 2011.10.11.06
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-11oct11-en.htm#
  • Status:  Ongoing


Board approves the delegation of .CW to the University of the Netherlands Antilles and instructs the University of the Netherlands Antilles to report their progress on decommissioning the .AN domain every six months to ICANN.


Whereas, CW is the ISO 3166-1 two-letter country-code designated for Curaçao;

Whereas, ICANN has received a request for delegation of .CW to the University of the Netherlands Antilles;

Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed redelegation would be in the interests of the local and global Internet communities;

Resolved (2011.10.11.03), the proposed delegation of the .CW top-level domain to the University of the Netherlands Antilles is approved.

Whereas, the .AN top-level domain was delegated on the basis of its former listing as an ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code designated for the Netherlands Antilles;

Whereas, the ISO 3166-1 standard has removed the "AN" code, and the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency recommends its use be discontinued;

Whereas, ICANN is not responsible for deciding what is or is not a country, and adheres to the ISO 3166-1 standard for guidance on when to add, modify and remove country-code top-level domains;

Whereas, the .AN top-level domain is still the primary domain used by parties in the countries and municipalities that comprised the former Netherlands Antilles;

Whereas, there is a transition plan to move registrations from the .AN domain to new domains .CW and .SX, with the University of the Netherlands Antilles continuing to act as manager of the .AN domain until transition is complete,

Resolved (2011.10.11.04), that the University of Netherlands Antilles be instructed to report their progress on decommissioning the .AN domain every six months to ICANN against a relevant set of metrics,

Resolved (2011.10.11.05), that the University of Netherlands Antilles work to complete the transition of the .AN domain to the .CW domain, the .SX domain, and any other relevant domain; so that it may be removed from the DNS root zone no later than 31 October 2014.

Resolved (2011.10.11.06), that the .AN domain be removed from the DNS root zone on 31 October 2014, if not requested earlier by the manager of the domain.

Implementation Actions

  •   Proceed with delegation process pursuant to IANA Functions processes.
    •  Responsible entity:  IANA Functions Department
    •  Due date: Per IANA Functions Processes
    •  Completion date: Completed per IANA Functions processes
  •  Report on progress on decommissioning the .AN domain.
    • Responsible entity: University of Netherlands Antilles
    • Due date: Every six months until 31 October 2014
    • Completion date: Ongoing
  •  Complete the transition from the .AN domain to the .CW and .SX domains.
    •  Responsible entity: University of Netherlands Antilles
    •  Due date: 31 October 2014
    •  Completion date: Ongoing


The rationale for this Resolution is available at: Rationale

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  •  IANA Report on the Delegation of the .CW domain representing Curaçao  to the University of Netherlands Antilles, and transitional arrangements for the .AN domain representing the Netherlands Antilles is available at: http://www.iana.org/reports/2011/cw-report-20111003.html.
  •  The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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