Directed staff to develop an entity selection process and evaluation procedure to comply with the Bylaws, with a view toward identifying an entity in sufficient time to select the NomCom Academia member for the 2011-2012 NomCom. Announced that Board would not appoint a NomCom Academia member of the 2010-2011 NomCom.


Nominating Committee Member to Represent Academic and Similar Organizations

Whereas, in accordance with the Article VII of section 2.8.c., of the Bylaws, one voting delegate on the Nominating Committee (NomCom) shall be selected by "[a]n entity designated by the Board to represent academic and similar organizations" ("NomCom Academia member").

Whereas, in prior years, the Board did not develop a process for identifying the appropriate entity to select the NomCom Academia member.

Whereas, in lieu of identifying a selecting entity, the Board previously via recommendations from the BGC selected an individual to serve as the NomCom Academia member.

Whereas, it has been determined that the Board shall no longer select the NomCom Academia member and that an entity shall do so.

Resolved (2010.06.25.32), the Board directs staff to develop an entity selection process and evaluation procedure to comply with the Bylaws, for BGC and Board consideration, with a view toward identifying an entity in sufficient time to select the NomCom Academia member for the 2011-2012 NomCom.

Resolved (2010.06.25.33), the Board will not appoint a NomCom Academia member of the 2010-2011 NomCom.

Implementation Actions

  • Develop entity selection process
    • Responsible entity: Staff
    • Due date: In time for selection for 2011-2012 NomCom
    • Completion date: Overtaken by events

Other Related Resolutions

  • Resolution 2011.04.21.04, approving of the initiation of a public comment period to obtain community input to inform the future work in identifying an entity to make appointments to the NomCom to represent academic organizations. See
  • Resolutions 2011.06.24.12 - 13, approving of the modification of the Bylaws to remove the requirement for a voting member of the NomCom selected by an entity designated by the Board to represent academic and similar organizations. See
  • Other resolutions to be determined.

Additional Information

  • After a call for community input to assist the Board in identifying an entity representing academic and similar inputs to make appointments did not yield useful proposals, the Board Governance Committee recommended to the Board that due to the consistent representation of delegates from academia on the NomCom, this Bylaws provision should be removed.  The public comment forum is available at
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Meetings and Resolutions Web Page for more information.

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