Board authorizes amendment of .PRO registry agreement to implement additional mechanisms for personal data verification.


Whereas, Registry Services Corporation dba RegistryPro requested per 10 August 2004 an amendment to the .PRO Registry Agreement to perform an out-of-band communication step when authenticating a registrant's personal information.

Whereas, ICANN Staff, ICANN Board Members and Liaisons and RegistryPro executives engaged in analysis and discussion regarding the appropriate adjustments to the contractual provisions governing personal data verification.

Whereas, RegistryPro intends to consult with the .PRO Advisory Board to choose adequate verification mechanisms for the current and future profession specific TLDs.

Resolved [04.85] that the Board of Directors should allow ICANN's President and General Counsel to negotiate and enter into such an amendment of the .PRO Registry Agreement with RegistryPro allowing for the adoption of other equivalent verification mechanisms to be used for personal data verification.

Implementation Actions

  • Execute amendment to .PRO Registry Agreement
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff, Registry Operator
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 30 September 2004

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