
Board authorizes Daniel E. Halloran to approve reimbursements and sign checks to ArgoPacific for specified expenses.


Whereas, on 2 June 2003, in resolution 03.94, the Board elected Daniel E. Halloran to serve as Acting Secretary until a permanent General Counsel has been appointed and elected by the Board and assumed the duties as Secretary;

Whereas, on 26 June 2003, in resolutions 03.114, 03.115, and 03.116 (the "Check Signing and Reimbursement Resolutions"), the Board authorized Daniel E. Halloran to sign checks and approve reimbursements subject to the conditions provided in such resolutions;

Whereas, the Check Signing and Reimbursement Resolutions authorized Mr. Halloran to authorize disbursements and sign checks up to US$10,000 for general expenditures, and authorize disbursements and sign checks to (i) fulfill the terms of the Managerial and Consulting Services Agreement entered into between ICANN and ArgoPacific for the services of Dr. Paul Twomey, ICANN's President and (ii) for expense reimbursement for Dr. Paul Twomey;

Whereas, such Check Signing and Reimbursement Resolutions should have also provided for reimbursement of expenses to ArgoPacific related to the recruitment and hiring of Dr. Paul Twomey, subject to the limitations otherwise provided in such resolutions;
The following resolution was presented for consideration by Mr. Chapin, and seconded by Mr. Campos:Resolved [03.144] that the Board hereby authorizes Daniel E. Halloran to approve reimbursements and sign checks to ArgoPacific for expenses related to the recruitment and hiring of the services of Dr. Paul Twomey under the terms of the Managerial and Consulting Services Agreement entered into by ICANN and ArgoPacific, not to exceed US$20,000 in the aggregate.
(The Board approved the above resolution by a 10-0-0 vote, with Mr. Twomey abstaining from the vote.)

Implementation Actions

  • None 
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

 Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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