Board approves amendment of .BIZ registry agreement to implement Redemption Grace Period.

Whereas, in resolution 02.83, the Board authorized the President and General Counsel to conduct negotiations on behalf of ICANN toward appropriate revisions to agreements between ICANN and the unsponsored TLD registry operators to implement the Redemption Grace Period in a manner consistent with an implementation proposal submitted by a Technical Steering Group on 7 June 2002;

Whereas, the General Counsel has reported to the Board that negotiations have been completed with NeuLevel, the operator of the .biz registry, for amendments to Appendices C, G, O, and T of the .biz registry agreement to provide for implementation of the Redemption Grace Period in .biz in substantial conformity with the 7 June 2002 Technical Steering Group proposal, and has recommended that those appendices be amended accordingly, with any appropriate conforming adjustments to other appendices;

Whereas, the Board has reviewed the negotiated revisions to Appendices C, G, O, and T and concludes that the amendments should be made as recommended;

Resolved [03.82] that the President is authorized to enter into an amendment to the .biz registry agreement to include the revisions to Appendices C, G, O, and T, as well as to make appropriate conforming amendments to other parts of the appendices to that agreement.

(The Board approved the above resolution by a 16-0-0 vote.)

Implementation Actions

  • Execution of amendment to .BIZ registry agreement.
    • Responsible entity: Staff, Registry Operator
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 2 June 2003

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