- Category: ICANN Structures
- Topic: At-Large Membership Structure
- Board meeting date: 27 May 1999
- Resolution number: 99.48A, 99.48B, 99.48C
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-27may99.htm
- Status: Completed
Board directs staff to report to the Board on implementation and legal implications of an election process responsive to the Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) report, and on a process for re-populating the MAC to provide additional advice.
WHEREAS, the Board has received and reviewed the Commentary on the Principles of the At-Large Membership from the Membership Advisory Committee;
WHEREAS, the Board recognizes the significant contribution to the discussion and evaluation of the process of establishing the ICANN At-Large Membership made by the MAC, expresses its deep appreciation for the personal sacrifices that effort required, and accepts the retirement of the current members of the MAC;
WHEREAS, the Board has also considered the public comments submitted via the Internet and at the Singapore and Berlin open meetings;
WHEREAS, the Board reaffirms its intention to establish, as soon as practicable, a system that permits individuals to select geographically diverse At-Large Directors, but also recognizes that this effort, given the unique context of a new form of global consensus organization with responsibility for oversight of an important global resource, is likely to be both administratively complex and expensive (especially in relation to ICANN s anticipated budget);
WHEREAS the Board believes that the cost of implementing an At-Large membership and election process should primarily be borne by that membership;
WHEREAS, the Board also reaffirms its intention to implement an At-Large election process that supports the principal responsibility of ICANN, which is to preserve the operational stability of the Internet, and thus to implement any such process over a transitional period that will permit any adjustments to the process determined to be necessary to meet this commitment;
NOW THEREFORE [Resolution 99.48A], the Board directs staff to review the MAC Commentary and report back to the Board before the Santiago meeting on the administrative requirements, likely cost, and logistical details of an election process responsive to the MAC Commentary.
AND FURTHER [Resolution 99.48B], the Board directs counsel to report to it before the Santiago meeting on the legal implications of an election process responsive to the MAC commentary.
AND FURTHER [Resolution 99.48C], the Board directs staff to recommend to the Board a process for repopulating the MAC, so that it can advise the Board on promotion and encouragement of membership and solicitation of sponsorship for outreach programs.
Implementation Actions
- Report to the Board on administrative requirements, likely cost, and logistical details of an election process responsive to the MAC Commentary.
- Responsible entity: ICANN staff
- Due date: 26 August 1999
- Completion date: 26 August 1999
- Report to the Board on the legal implications of an election process responsive to the MAC commentary.
- Responsible entity: General Counsel
- Due date: 26 August 1999
- Completion date: 26 August 1999
- Recommend to the Board a process for repopulating the MAC.
- Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
- Due date: 26 August 1999
Other Related Resolutions
- 26 August 1999 Resolutions, 99.87 - 99.91: http://www.icann.org/en/meetings/santiago/santiago-resolutions.htm
- Full text of all above listed resolution available here: https://wiki.icann.org/display/tap/1999-08-26+-+At-Large+Membership
Additional Information
- Bylaws implementing the At Large Council were approved for inclusion in the Bylaws as amended on 29 October 1999, at http://www.icann.org/en/general/archive-bylaws/bylaws-29oct99.htm
- Information about the Membership Task Force is available at the following page: http://www.icann.org/en/committees/at-large/
- A grant funding proposal for the support of At Large Membership is available at http://www.icann.org/en/committees/at-large/markle-proposal-21oct99.htm
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.