NCSG Executive Committee 2016-2017


    Full Voting Member

    NCSG Chair

    Tapani Tarvainen

    NPOC Appointee

    Gangadhar Panday

    NPOC Appointee Raoul Plommer
    NCUC Appointee Robin Gross

    NCUC Appointee

    Monika Zalnieriute


    Archive of EC-NCSG Email Discussion List (see also: previous archive)

    NCSG Policy Committee Members 2016-2017



    Full Voting Member

    Observing Member

    NCSG Chair (ex-officio)

    Tapani Tarvainen


    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Rafik Dammak (Chair)  

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Stefania Milan


    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    David Cake (Vice Chair)


    NCSG GNSO Councilor Martin Silva Valent  

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Marilia Maciel

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Stephanie Perrin

    NCUC Appointee Matthew Shears (Vice Chair)  
    NCUC Appointee Ayden Ferdeline  

    NPOC Appointee

    Poncelet Ileleji


    NPOC Appointee

    Juan Manuel Rojas


    NCSG Policy Committee Email Archive  (see also: previous archive)

    Attendance Record of NCSG Policy & Executive Committee Members at NCSG Policy Meetings (ICANN #45 -->)

    NCSG Financial Committee 2016-2017


    Full Voting Member

    Observing Member

    NCSG Chair

    Tapani Tarvainen


    NPOC Appointee

    Sam Lanfranco


    CC Appointee


      Dorothy Gordon

    Term of Office: Annual Meeting November 2015 --> Annual Meeting November 2016

    Archive of NCSG-FC Email Discussion List


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